It was war time and Ria was stuck in a hard situation, she believed in God and she even got baptized and gave her life to him but, where she was had conflict all over which resulted in war, she's trapped by burning woods and tree branches and flying arrows and explosives left and right. She was surprised that she even dodged them by throwing herself out the way and running as far away from the bombs as she could, she didn't see a way around this so she cried loudly hoping someone would hear her. A couple of minutes later she was picked up and placed on an adult's hip. The adult started running around the burning metal and tree branches and set Ria down, Ria could see the adult was a brunette with hazel eyes and wavy curlish hair the adult spoke "Are you alright little girl?" Ria nodded "who are you?" The adult looked at Ria "My names Shannon" under her breath Ria mumbled "My guardian angel". Shannon unlocked a bunker that was in her backyard and let Ria down first then she climbed down the latter and turned on the lights, Ria could now see that this Shannon girl rescued about 15 to 20 people and she saw the people comforting each other, when the people turned their attention to Ria they opened her with open arms. That night everyone prayed to live to see another day, prayed that people were surviving and praying that this war washes over and they could go back to their regular lives. A week later the group which now consists of 25 to 40 people, they heard no explosives going off but they still wanted to be sure so they turned on a system and listened as static came on but then a voice announce "Ladies and Gentlemen I repeat the war is over, happiest day " Ria and the group drowned out the rest of the radio sound and Ria asked "how could they say happiest day ever? Millions of people lost their lives" Shannon crouched down and said to Ria "they're saying that because they survived but hey guess what those people that died, and who fought are in heaven becoming angels" Shannon said this as she tucked a curl behind Ria's ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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