Chapter 0.5 Redux: First Contact

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A/N: This whole section is just me ranting and clarifying some continuity errors. If you want to skip this mess of words then so be it.
Also yes, this chapter WAS edited

Story wise stuff:

Rogue, our protag, isn't the Vault Dweller, the Chosen One, the Lone Wanderer, the Courier, nor the Sole Survivor. Rogue's an Enclave veteran from Texas, with a bit of FEV in his blood.

The Enclave in this story will not have a stand issue APA, because one, manufacturing without help from Raven Rock is kinda expensive, so they take what they can get. Two, I have difficulties picking what's my favorite Enclave drip when they're all drippy as fuck.

Events of this story takes place during Fallout 4, if you ask about America Rising, all you need to know is that this Enclave faction is separate from the one in the mod, because they come from the west coast, instead of east coast. But yes, I will find a way to incorporate the two Enclaves.

Addressing Misconceptions:

The X-01 is NOT the APA. The X in X-01 stands for eXperimental. The APA stands for Advanced Power Armor; it's a finished and refined model.

Same thing can be with the X-02, as it is NOT the Fallout 3 Enclave armor (Black Devil) as that was also a finished model and military issued (which was somehow weaker than the T-51b; Wonder how Raven Rock managed to goob that one up. Then again it's the military. What more didja expect?)

The Fallout 3 Enclave armor is in fact the APA mk2 or mk3, but for the sake of my sanity, it'll just be a separate model for the APA mk2 that appears in Fallout 2, cleverly named "The APA mk2.5".

Either way X-02 would probably be the Hellfire armor seen in Broken steel. But this is just a guess as Hellfire armor is only referred to as "Prototype Hellfire" in the terminals in Fallout 76 (I'm probably wrong as I haven't played 76 in a while, I've been on that sigma male grind set with FNV.)

Lore changes:

All Enclave power armorers are superior to T-series power armor, but only sucked ass if the materials used to build it also sucked ass. Changed cuz the Enclave are the most advanced faction, rivaled or seconded to the Institute.

Modern guns now exist, but don't expect to see this topic brought up that much because the Enclave uses energy weapons more, ya goof.

Vehicles will now work, now that the Enclave has started to salvage scrapped cars and turn them into functioning military grade vehicles, not the best but it works.

TLDR; Enclave armor is better than pre-war armor, APA and X-series PA are completely different, modern guns exist, and some vehicles still function.

Chapter 0.5
First Contact

October 19th, 2287
"The Special Region"

Thousands upon thousands of Imperial soldiers stood in formation. With the support of what looked to be orcs, trolls, and goblins buy their side. They held their shields high and their spears readied.

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