Chapter 1 redux: Feet First into the Unknown

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Time for the Enclave to commit Manifest Destiny.
By the way, I have no idea where any of the major cities/settlements are located on the Falmart map as I haven't finished the manga yet/haven't watched the anime in a while, reptile brain won't compute, so if things don't match up, correct me and I'll edit it, after fact-checking of course.

If you know what the Imperial names are based on, let me know. If not, then I'll just base it on either Latin/Ancient Rome or Germany, because I have little to no imagination. So if you don't mind me, I'm just gonna go on Google and yoink some Latin sounding names.

LD, out.

Chapter 1
Feet First into the Unknown

October 17th, 2287
"The Special Region"

After days of labor, hard work, and manhandling, Atlas Summit was looking much more promising.

The new stronghold stood firm and taller, made as a landmark in contrast to the various bunkers the Enclave had constructed over the decades.

The engineers stationed at the stronghold managed to turn the simple snowy forest patch into a fortress. The walls were made from solid steel and as sturdy as the armor they wore, it was an imposing figure and a symbol of a new beginning towards the Enclave. The base was fully powered, running power through the entire fort powering up the base's defenses, turrets, and most importantly their heaters.

Rogue, who had done most of the heavy lifting, was sure as hell ready to establish Atlas Summit as the first official Enclave settlement in the New Frontier.

All he had to do now was set up connections with High Command and let them know that they were ready to send in the enlisted, trainees, and some drill sergeants.

Then just maybe they could go into the fun stuff I.E. killing savages, manifest destiny, and securing the American dream.

But those goals would have to wait, he had a communication tower to build.

On their final leg, Doc was giving out instructions to Rogue, "Alright general, place that beam a little more to the left and we'll be good to go." He pointed to an empty spot on the snowy ground, exactly where he wanted the tower to be built upon.

"Wait my left or your left?" Rogue asked.

"...We're looking in the same direction. Take a wild guess," Doc responded sarcastically.

"Oh right."

Just as instructed, Rogue moved to the right and shoved the relay into the snowy ground.

Doc slouched over, "God damn it... Whatever that'll do."

Doc grabbed some power cords that were hanging off a newly built generator. The synth plugged the cords into its power supply and watched as the satellite glowed a brilliant neon blue.

Opening up one of its panels and revealing a bundle of circuitry and one small screen, Doc kneeled down and looked at the screen, "Give me a second," the synth then started to tinker with the settings until he could find the correct frequencies to High Command.

"And done. Give it a test." Doc said, shutting the panel and giving a light punch to its metal hull.

"Yup, got it." Rogue connected his APA's signal to the satellite's and held a finger towards the side of his APA's helmet until it matched a familiar frequency.

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