Chapter 2

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Soon after Angel Dust went back downstairs, Charlie and Vaggie went out on an errand. A horse demon named Bonnie had expressed interest in the hotel, and Charlie and Vaggie had to go and pick her, and her belongings up. She'd insisted that she wanted to move in right away, as she didn't feel safe in her neighbourhood, which was very close to the cannibal colony. Despite Angel Dust, Niffty, and Husk's concerns about leaving the hotel unguarded, with Alastor on bed rest, they assured them all that they would only be a few hours.

"I know that it's dangerous to leave this place unguarded, but we won't be gone long. Bonnie says that she doesn't have a lot of stuff," Charlie assured everyone, "If anything happens, you call us right away. I'll fight Vox, and Sir Pentious myself if I have to."

"They won't come, Charlie. Besides, no one's gonna take the opportunity to pick on Alastor while he's sick, because we're the only ones who know that he's sick, apart from his murderous doctor friend," Vaggie huffed, straightening her bow.

Angel Dust grinned wickedly at the moth demon. "We're in Hell, toots, murderers are a dime a dozen down here, but as far as murderers go, Dr Sclepia doesn't seem too bad. At least she wanted to help Al," he sighed, "I just wish there was something else we could do to help him feel better."

Vaggie's face screwed up. "And you care so much, why?"

"Because he's our friend, and trusted business partner!" Charlie cut in, eager to avoid a fight, "Right, Angel?"

He squeezed his arms against himself. "Yeah, that, and...Ya know what? I'm not telling ya what I told Al. It's between him and me."

Charlie sensed a little sadness in the spider demon's voice. "Why's that, Angel?"

He grinned wickedly at them both. "Cuz it's about drugs, and mob stuff," he said, not wanting to admit that he had been bonding with the infamous radio demon.

Much to his surprise, Vaggie didn't give him the reaction he was expecting. She thought about it, he could see it on her face, but she decided not to so as not to give him a rise. "Yeah, I'm not in the mood to hear that shit."

Charlie motioned toward the door. "We have to go. We don't wanna keep Bonnie waiting," she said quickly, "You guys hold down the fort here, ok?"

"Sure," the spider demon huffed. He was meant to be a guest at the hotel, but half the time, he felt more like a superfluous staff member. He always seemed to be stuck doing the jobs no one else wanted to do.

"And I'll get her room ready!" Niffty trilled, "I'll clean it all, top to bottom, and I'll be sure to check I haven't missed any spots! Oh, speaking of checking, we'll be sure to check in on Alastor as well! We need to do everything we can to get him well!"

Charlie nodded. "Thanks, Niffty. We'll be back with Bonnie in a few hours!"

After the princess and her girlfriend left, Niffty busied herself with all of the tasks needed to get Bonnie's room ready. Bonnie had requested a room on the second floor, where all of the staff bedrooms, plus Angel Dust's room were. Angel Dust went upstairs sometime later, wanting to check on the sick radio demon, but he didn't dare go inside his room when he realised that he was still asleep. Even when Alastor slept, he sounded like he was on the radio, his breaths coming out in static crackles. It sounded more like he was recharging than sleeping.

He was about to turn and head downstairs when he saw Fat Nuggets come up beside him. The pig pawed the door to Alastor's room with his trotter, making baby-doll eyes at his owner.

"Still worried about Al, Nugsy? I know how ya feel," Angel Dust sighed, bending down to pet him, "We can't go see him right now though. We need to let him sleep."

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