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"Hm..It's nice to meet you, Bobo--Or do I have the wrong name?"

"Bobo" simply shook his head, as an indication that Galf had his name right. He looked at his name tag which was on the upper right of his red shirt, which read "Galf" (duh), making a subtle gesture to it.

"Yep, you got that right--Galf." He said, then he turned to Jard.
"I don't mean to be rude or anything, but is he always this silent?" Galf half whispered, not wanting to offend Bobo.
"I..honestly have no clue." Jard whispered back, lowering his voice. "When we came across each other on my last mission, he was out for the same thing I was. It was weird, having other competition than what I'm usually up against--especially from someone random.."
" Was the artifact that important, then?"

Jard glanced at Bobo, who simply looked back at him, and blinked.
He looked back at Galf, and took the backpack from him.

"Uh.. no.. here, lemme just show you what it does." Jard said, and with that, he unzipped the backpack and pulled out the artifact--a relatively small case--then set the backpack on the floor and took 8 steps back.
Bobo's eyes lit up as he saw the artifact, and Galf was skeptical, yet intrigued. Jard opened the case, and pressed a button on the right side of the case, and to Galf's surprise, a clone of Jard appeared, mindlessly walking into the nearest wall.

"Oh..yeah. I see your point now..that is cool- and creepy.. how long are "you" gonna be doing that?" Galf asked, pointing at the clone.
"Not that long,  it'll despawn soon. It only takes like.. a few seconds? I'm not sure, but it's definitely not anywhere near a minute."
 "Good, because I already have to deal with one Jard.."

"Yeah! Wait- Huh?!"

Galf chuckled, then scanned the area to look for Bobo, who was no longer in sight.

"Uh oh. Where'd Bobo go?"
"Huh? He's right here, what are you on about?" Jard retorted, then looked up as he put the artifact in the backpack. Bobo was no where to be seen. "Oh. Ugghh.." He grumbled, with a loud sigh.
"You think that maybe he ran off?"
"I hope not, because I swear, if he did.."
"Well, it's a good thing that security exists. C'mon, let's go check the cameras."
"Oh- right. The cameras! I was totally gonna do that."

They walked over to the security room, and checked each of the cameras. It wasn't long before they found Bobo wandering around the halls, who then stopped in front of Jard's room. He turned the knob, aaand..

"What the--That's my room!" He yelled, standing up from his chair.
"Jard, wait-"

Before Galf could say anything, Jard immediately ran out of the room to go catch Bobo. He sighed, and (reluctantly) got up to go after him.
Jard swung the door open, scanning the room.

"Okay Bobo, I know you're in here! C'mon man, this isn't funny.."

He started searching for Bobo, looking in places where anyone could easily hide. Although, there weren't much places, so he finally gave up and sat on the edge of his bed defeatedly. 
Suddenly, Jard felt something grab his ankles from underneath the bed and shrieked, trying to run but tripping instead, falling forward.

"Oooww.." He groaned, rubbing his head as he sat up.
"Are you alright? I heard you scream." Galf said, popping his head through the doorway.
"No! Something-"

He paused as he heard snickering, then saw Bobo come out from under the bed, standing up, with a huge grin on his face as he kept snickering.

"I think I found him." Galf said, with a sarcastic tone.
" shit!" Jard hissed angrily, then looked at Bobo.
"Stop laughing! It's not funny.."

Bobo eventually calmed down, smiling once again, extending a hand to Jard to help him up.

"Thanks.. ugh, I don't think I'm gonna sleep tonight." He said, brushing any dirt or dust off of his clothes.

Galf and Bobo both laughed, and Jard couldn't help but smile. A thought then came to him.

"Hold on, I forgot to tell you why I brought him here. I wanted to ask you if he could maybe stay here for a while, since he kinda saved me on my last mission, and I kinda uh.." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he and Bobo both looked at each other. "..I kinda.. broke the thing he used for interdimensional travelling, so he can't go anywhere for a while.."
"Wow, what an awesome way to repay him." Galf commented, with even more sarcasm.
"Oh, shut up. It was an accident-" Jard was cut off with a kick to his foot from Bobo, as if to imply that "no, it wasn't an accident, you were just being an asshole". Jard rolled his eyes and corrected himself. "Okay, well maybe not an accident, but you know. This is my way of repaying him."

Galf was thinking carefully about it, while Bobo and Jard looked at each other, both hoping for the better response.

Unexpected Guest. [ EVADE ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora