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"He's getting too powerful. I want something done. Now!"

The King shouted from his throne at the head of the room. His advisers below him held in their winces at his tone.

They were discussing the issue of the mountain warriors. This was a group who lived in the old palace in the mountains outside the capital. The group was made up of strong fighters and since their numbers were growing they had become a real threat to the palace. 

Lord Han was the first to offer his opinion.

"Your Majesty, I recommend that we send our forces there immediately and wipe them out!"

The King seemed pleased at this idea. He waved his hand towards another man.

"General! What are your thoughts?"

General Min stepped forward and bowed his head.

"I would like more information before planning an attack, Your Majesty."

The King deflated but nodded.

"Very well. Send your men to investigate."

The late Queen's brother, Lord Yi, spoke up next. 

"Your Majesty, I don't believe this is the best option."

Lord Han considered Lord Yi out of the corner of his eye. He wondered what plan the other man had in mind.

The King leaned forward curiously. He knew his brother-in-law was highly intelligent and the King often relied upon his council.

"What is your solution then?"

"An alliance."

Crys of outrage sounded from the other advisers, but the King silenced them.

"Go on."

"The mountain warriors may make a more powerful ally. I recommend we bind them to us with a marriage alliance."

The King leaned back on his throne as he considered the proposal.


"One that would mean they would fight with us should we be attacked."

The King knew what Lord Yi was hinting at. Their borders in the north were constantly being tested. It was only a matter of time before the neighbouring kingdom invaded. The mountain warriors were known for their remarkable fighting skills. They would be a great asset to have.

"This idea has merit. Did you have a lady in mind?"

"It would have to be a high-ranking lady to secure the alliance. I was thinking Princess Garam."

The room was silent as they studied the King's reaction. It was well known that the King and his eldest daughter had an estranged relationship.

Princess Garam was not your typical princess. She was strong and wild. She enjoyed hiking and fighting. Nothing about her was ladylike. Nothing about her would make you think she was a Princess.

"You're suggesting that I send my daughter to the mountains to marry a savage."

"For the good of the kingdom, yes, your Majesty."

Another adviser interjected.

"I doubt the mountain warriors have heard the kingdom's gossip. This may be the only way the princess can be useful to her kingdom. As is her duty."

Tension was high in the room as they waited for the King's decision.

"It is time she made herself useful. Make the offer. Send word to the leader of the mountain warriors that I offer my eldest daughter in a marriage alliance."

"It will be done, your Majesty."

The King's advisers bowed as he left the room. As soon as he was out of sight they started whispering to each other.

"The Princess isn't going to be happy about this."

"I agree. I can't decide whether I wish to witness when the King tells her or if I would prefer to keep a safe distance."

"When Princess Garam is told that she's being sent away to marry a wild man for an alliance? I don't plan on being in the palace that day."

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