Chapter 5

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Spider-Man moved out of the way as the figure lunged in his direction. He narrowly avoided the fist that plunged in the area where he just was. There were cracks in the ground where his fist went into.


"Actually, a spider is not an insect, it's a-" Spider-Man started.

"Shut up!" Scorpion said, charging at him again. Spider-Man moved to dodge again, but this time he wasn't so lucky.

He missed the punch, but the tail came whipping out of nowhere and smacked him right in the side. The force caused him to fly over to the side of the building. He recovered just in time as his spider sense alerted him of danger. Looking up, he could see Scorpion taking that tail and shooting some sort of green liquid from the end of it. 

He somersaulted over the liquid, and looked behind him where it landed. The liquid started to sizzle once it made contact with the ground in a very ominous sort of way.

Spider-Man had a pretty good guess that it wasn't lime he just shot at him.

Scorpion then launched himself at Spider-Man again, and before he could even move or react due to his spider sense, Scorpion had him pinned against the nearby wall by his throat. Spider-Man struggled to break free, but Scorpion proved to be a lot stronger than he anticipated.

"You really don't remember me, do you?" Scorpion sneered as he tightened his grip around Spider-Man's neck. "Think back to the cruise ship a few years ago."

A cruise ship a few years ago? Spider-Man had no clue where he was going with that statement. He thought hard about when he went on a cruise in a few years and was drawing a blank until.....

"Vulture.." Spider-Man croaked out. "You're in cahoots with Vulture?"

"Bingo web head," Scorpion said. "And thanks to your little friend back there, he has funded an experiment for me to exact revenge against you. We both want you out of the picture!"

Spider-Man used that momentary distraction to web Scorpion in the face. With one half of his face covered in webbing, Spider-Man broke free of his choke grip and landed a kick to the chest of Scorpion.

Scorpion yelled in anger and ripped the webbing off of his face, before shooting another burst of acid in his direction. Again, Spider-Man avoided the blast, and was about to shoot a web at Scorpion, when he realized he had disappeared.

"Last I checked, Scorpions don't play hide and seek!" Spider-Man quipped.

His spider sense tingled once more, compelling him to turn around. And not a moment too soon, because he was a millisecond away from being stabbed by Scorpion's long tail. He rolled out of the way as Scorpion put himself in a crouch to pounce on Spider-Man again. That menacing tail pointed straight at him once more.

"Now we end this!" Scorpion yelled as he aimed his tail to fire some more acid onto Spider-Man. Only this time the acid didn't come. "What the-" Scorpion started as the tail started to move backwards.

Spider-Man could make out tiny little flickers of red energy surrounding the tail, just as Scorpion was lifted off of his feet and sent flying a few blocks back.

Spider-Man turned with a knowing glance, albeit he couldn't show it under his mask, to the Scarlet Witch, who was currently hovering over him in mid air, with her hand raised and glowing with red chaos magic. Her face was set in an emotionless cold expression as she glanced in Scorpion's way.

Spider-Man turned to see that Scorpion had seen Scarlet Witch above him, and within a blink of an eye, he had vanished. 'Oh no!' Spider-Man said, as he vaulted over to the building where he was. But when he got there, Scarlet Witch, who had already teleported to that exact same spot shook her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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