Chapter Three

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TW - cursing/slurs, mention of blood/abuse, bullying, rape

Tutoring wasn't nearly as bad as Nishinoya had expected.

Spending an hour and a half with his favorite ace was always going to be fun for him, even if it was spent doing homework.

Noya had never been extremely smart. Even if he tried his best, the boy just couldn't focus. His mind would always wander and before he knew it, he had missed half the lesson. Sometimes fidgeting his legs or hands would help ground him and keep his attention on task, but after an old teacher who was annoyed by the tapping sound had tied his fingers together, the small boy decided it was for the best that he stopped.

The libero was sure that his friend wouldn't mind the small movements, but it's better to not get back into old habits.

Tutoring with Asahi was not a bad experience.

By the end of the day, Asahi Azumane was truly exhausted.

As much as he loved the little libero, Nishinoya sure as hell wore him out. How a person so small could have a personality larger than life was beyond him.

That being said, he most certainly didn't mind spending extra time with his personal cheerleader, but he had to remind himself not to be selfish. He was doing this for Nishinoya, and to help a friend get his grades up.

Yeah, a friend. That's all they were and all they would ever be.

Volleyball that day had been as tiring as ever, doing all kinds of drills that would supposedly make them better players. How could Asahi play better if both his legs and arms were broken was beyond him.

What he was looking forward to, though, was the sleepover he, Diachi, and Suga would have later that night at his house.

The three third years went back to their respective homes before getting ready for the night that would ensue.

As surprising as it is to some people, Suga and Asahi had bonded over their love of drama. Of course they didn't like to be involved in the drama itself, the two boys were suckers for gossip and only fueled each other's fire. Diachi, of course, was only there to reign them in and although he wouldn't admit it, he too found some of what the others had to say somewhat interesting.

Because the three could sleep in the next morning, they took advantage of being able to stay up for as long as possible. This is why it was exactly 1:41 in the morning when Suga brought up Nishinoya.

"So," The gray haired boy began, turning his head to look at the brunette lying next to him on the ridiculously large air mattress stationed in Asahi's living room. "You and Nishinoya going out yet?"

Asahi choked. How could his friend frase it like it was the most casual thing to ask someone?

"Who said anything about us ever dating?"

"Dude," Diachi joined in the conversation. "You two are practically all over each other whenever you're in the same room. It's obvious you're both into each other."

Asahi huffed. "It's not that obvious. And he doesn't like me like that anyway."

Suga scoffed, raising an eyebrow. "The boy is always all over you. Like, physically. He's so touchy with you. It's clear he wants you to be touchy with him as well."

This caused the ace's cheeks to flush with heat. "He's touchy with everyone. And not all people like to be touchy with others."

This planted a seed of guilt in Suga's heart. Did Asahi not like it when people were touchy with him? Sure the boy was a bit bashful and shy, kind of awkward in situations where people were openly affectionate with him.

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