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Shortly after arriving back at the Stanley Hotel, things began to happen almost immediately. “Jacob left to get ice and hasn't come back yet,” Toby said bursting into the room. 

“What? It's been almost an HOUR, where is he? Is he still in the Cafeteria?” Jane asked. 

“I don't know… should we go look for him? Toby suggested.

“I'll go grab the camera,” Anna said.

When Anna came back, Jane sat down on the bed and Anna set up the camera.

“Hey, guys. Sorry for a not really enthusiastic intro, but Jacob went to go get ice and we haven’t heard from that nerd in an hour or so. We decided we’re gonna go and find him, so I'm setting up a Go-Pro on my shirt so you guys can watch it all.” Jane finished.

“Hopefully he's not in the storage closet again..” Toby said.

"Yeah that was weird…."Anna said. They headed to the elevator to go to the first floor. Once they got to the first floor they headed straight to the cafeteria. “Hey! Did any of you see a boy about 5'9 with light brown hair?” Toby asked. 

“I did just about 5 minutes ago,” Said a strange man, seeming to be over the age of 60.

“Did you see where he went?” Anna asked.

“Oh, he went in that room over there, I believe.” The man said, seeming to be pointing to Storage Closet #4.

“Uh oh. Not again..” Jane said, trembling.  They then headed towards the closet. Toby still had the key on him for some reason. Toby put the key in the door and opened it  and what happened next was terrifying… 

They saw Jacob standing next to a body.. a dead one..

Once Jacob looked at them it's like he snapped out of a trance. "Guys.." Jacob then looked at the body. 

"OH MY GOD…."Jane whispered.

   "What did you do.." Toby 

asked. Jacob did nothing, he just stared at the body.

 Anna started to breath heavily and her breath then hitched. " I haven't told you guys but I've been having dreams, and last night I had one just like this…" Anna said.

"Like how Stephen King had the dream about his son?.." Toby asked.

"Yeah something like that.." Anna replied. 

"Ok enough chit chat there is a dead body in front of us" Jane said.

"There was something here, not a person, at least not  an alive one.."Jacob said.

" What did you see.." Toby asked.

" I was going to get ice then I felt a presence like a cold evil one.. I followed it and it led me here, I swear I didn't do anything!" Jacob explained.

"Well this hotel is weird.." Anna said. 

"But that's no excuse..!"Jane whispered.

"Exactly! Now we need to do something about this." Toby said.

"Well we could bring it to our room.." Jacob suggested.

"Jacob, are you stupid!? People will think we did it!" Toby yelled at everyone even though it was pointed towards jacob.

"And even if we did do that, how would we do it without anyone noticing that we are carrying a dead body? Anna asked.

"Anyone else have an idea?" Jane asked.

"We could throw it into the cooks' soup and pretend they did it?" Jacob suggested.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Toby asked.

"Yes?.." Jacob responded.

"Those are both terrible ideas!" Anna shouted. "And by the way this is really serious and this never happens to other Vloggers…"Anna also said but in a lower tone.

“Maybe we just tell someone..?” Toby proposed. 

“ but then they’ll probably still think we did it…!” Jane said. 

“True…” Toby said.

Umm any ideas for Solutions?-
In where I'm from I don't get ice from the cafeteria in hotels some don't even have cafeterias- I don't even know if the stanley has one my friend wrote it-

This is all I have written in Google docs😭


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