Page 14: Promotion and Guild Master

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In the Adventurers Guild, Creed suddenly sneezed and felt a chill run down his spine. Kyru, concerned, asked, "Captain, did you catch a cold?" Creed shook his head, his expression thoughtful. "No, I don't think so. I just felt like someone was talking about me."

He quickly changed the subject, turning to Shiiyo for a status report on what they had been up to while he was unconscious. "Anyway, Shiiyo, what's the status report?"

Shiiyo began to relay their recent activities. "While you were unconscious, Kyru and I took on some small quests in the Guild, trying to get a better understanding of this new world. However," he paused and brought his hands together, causing his glasses to glint white, "We've run into a bit of an issue. We're running low on ammunition."

Creed crossed his arms, clearly concerned. "That's problematic. Ammunition is vital for us."

Kyru added his own worries. "Yes, Captain, it seems that gunpowder is scarce and expensive here. We need to find a solution to this issue."

Kyru then shared a discovery he had made during his time hunting. "I managed to defeat a massive monster, and it dropped something that resembled the weapon crates we had back in our world. Inside, I found a Compound Bow, complete with a case and Fiber arrows. What's even more interesting is that it had an explosive attachment and tracker arrowheads."

Creed's interest was piqued. "Wait, you found a weapon crate? That's a significant discovery." Shiiyo contributed to the discussion. "Yes, Captain, it appears we have our own unique loot drops in this world. Additionally, I obtained a new melee weapon – Kukri Machetes – from one of the monsters we encountered."

Creed was impressed by their discoveries and what this might mean for their continued survival. "This is excellent news. It means that, in this world, we might find various items to aid us."

Creed had an idea and inquired, "So, if these large monsters can drop weapon crates, it's possible that the giant Basilisk we encountered might have something valuable. I think it's worth revisiting that area to investigate."

The trio nodded in agreement, ready to formulate a plan to return to the dungeon and uncover any valuable items it might hold.

Shiiyo approached Lila at the counter desk, ready to report the details of their last quest. Lila nodded and greeted them with a cheerful smile. She was relieved to see the trio back in good health. "That's good to hear. I'm just glad that the three of you are back on your feet. Anyway, let's proceed with the report."

Shiiyo began explaining in detail about their encounter with the Basilisk near the dungeon. However, as soon as the report was finished, Lila couldn't contain her surprise. "What?!" she exclaimed, her voice rising with shock. "You guys killed a Basilisk? A literal Basilisk? The kind that requires an army of knights and an S-rank adventurer to defeat?!"

Her exclamation caused quite a commotion among the other adventurers in the guild, who overheard the conversation. Whispers and astonished expressions filled the room. "Did you hear that?" one adventurer said. "I can't believe they killed a Basilisk. They're only E-rank!" another chimed in. "Yeah, it's hard to believe newcomers took it down on their own," added another. Shiiyo quickly tried to hush Lila, leaning in and whispering, "Lila, please keep your voice down." Lila covered her mouth, realizing her outburst had drawn far too much attention.

She then whispered an apology to the trio, "I'm really sorry. It's just incredibly surprising that you three managed to defeat something that usually requires an army of knights." The trio simply scratched their heads, still adjusting to the disbelief of others.

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