Ch. 3

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 Tony first met her when he was with his parents in New York for Winter Break. He stumbled upon her, frozen in place in a pod, his curiosity peaked. When Howard caught Tony, it wasn't a pretty picture and no explanations were given. Tony found himself sneaking in to see the frozen lady various times throughout his life, talking to her as if she were a friend, his only friend. Telling the woman all about hid life, exploits and dreams.

He visited her when his parents died. But then shortly visited less and less. Had her transferred, safely of course, to a storage unit upstate with all of his fathers things. Over time, he rarely thought about his frozen friend.

Then he became Iron Man. His life changed drastically. As Tony reveled in the new found life Iron Man brought him, his troubles eventually led him to go through some of his fathers old things (as somewhat ordered by Nick Fury). And there, at the end of a film reel, his father spoke to him.

"Tony. You're too young to understand this right now, so I thought I would put it into film for you. I've spent my whole life trying to right a wrong, and save a life. Her name is Y/N, and I hope you can help her where I couldn't. I built this for you Tony. And someday you'll realize that it represents a whole lot more than just people's inventions. It represents my life's work. This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out. And when you do, you will change the world, and maybe right my own wrongs." Tony found a small leather book, hidden in the reels casing. Containing notes about what went wrong, and ideas on how to bring the frozen woman, Y/N back. After a pause Howard looked straight into the camera, straight at Tony it would seem and continued. "What is and always will be my greatest creation is you."

As the film reel clicked off, Tony calmed his emotions and got to work.

After discovering a new element, which saved his life. Tony now understood that he needed to see if that power, that new element could help the frozen woman, Y/N, his long forgotten friend.

But then aliens flew out of the sky, and he met a man who had also been frozen in time. After the battle of New York was said and done, Tony approached the Capsicle with ideas on his mind.

"Hey Capsicle."

Steve rolled his eyes at the nickname. "Yes Tony?"

"Does the name Y/N ring a bell?" That question led to a trip to the storage unit up state, a shocked Steve Rogers, and more information as to who this woman even was. After much conversation, Steve agreed to help however he could to make sure Tony could bring back his friend.

It wasn't until later, after saving the love of his life from a virus that could have killed her, that Tony got an idea. With the power that now powered his suit, research into Capsicle's blood, and a bit of this killer (yet useful) virus – Tony could – Tony would bring Y/N back to life.


You slowly adjusted your eyes to the bright lights that woke you up from your glorious dreams. The room was stark white and extremely clean. Bare bones, yet shiny, as the instruments around you beeped. A deep fear rooted deep inside you, knowing something was clearly different, clearly wrong.

"Good Morning sleepy head... Took you long enough to wake up." The voice startled you, and you shot up from your position in bed lighting quick, regretting it almost instantly as the room started to sway in your vision.

"Hey hey, take it slow." As your vision settled, you finally got to see the face to the voice. He wasn't someone you knew, yet he look vaguely familiar. "It's going to take you a while to feel 100%"

"Where am I? Who are you?" There was no fear in your voice, because strangely you didn't feel any. At the end of the day, you didn't have anything to lose, and that made you strong.

"My name is Tony. You might have known my dad, Howard." Your jaw dropped at his words, confusion clearly evident on your face.

"Howard? But... but you're... how is that even possible? Where is he?"

Tony smirked and grabbed a wheelchair from the corner of the room, rolling it to your bedside. He patted the chair once he stopped at your side. "Hop on."

You slowly, and with his help, guided yourself on the chair. Half expecting this to be a joke from Howard; that he would pop up around the corner when you exited the room. But he didn't. What you did see was a large room, full of extremely clean lines and sharp furniture. Behind it a vast window overlooking a sky line. As he pushed you towards the large window, you finally were able to see below, and what you saw shocked you.

"Welcome to New York Y/N... it's been waiting for you." Tony said as he let you process it all in.

Tall modern skyscapers, more hard lines and shiny metal. Moving pictures on them that you could see in the distance. Peering below, automobiles... but they too were shinier, sleeker even. Everything was familiar, yet completely different. Tony's words finally sank in. "Waiting for me? Waiting for how long?" It was practically a whisper, but he heard you.

"You've been frozen in time Y/N for 66 years. My father spent his whole life trying to fix his mistake from back in the day, but never got the chance." He put his hand on my shoulder for support, "I was finally able to help you. You see I've known you practically my whole life. It took a while, but I was able to fix my dad's mistake. There's so much we need to talk about. But I think there's one thing we should get out the way first."

You turned your head to get a look at him. "What's that?"

"I think there's someone you'll be pleasantly surprised to see..."


Finding out Steve was alive and well was an extreme shock to say the least. Finding out he and Tony saved your life by sheer science and what you could only call magic was something else. This virius that had saved your life, the final piece of the puzzle Tony called it, left you different you soon found out.

While you weren't a super soldier like Steve like Howard intended you to be, you did become something more. The virus left you with quick regenerative properties. A cut, healed in second. Accidentaly burned yourself with the tea kettle? Gone in the blink of an eye. It was something you didn't know what to do with, and Tony took you under his wind, after several protests from Steve, to try to find the extent of this new skill.

The only thing that saved you from being a dissected experiment was in part thanks to Howard and Peggy. After your accident, they erased your resords. Kept you off SHEILD records, keeping your exsistance (albeit a frozen one) a complete seceret. Therefore, as Steve and Tony put it, not even Nick Fury knew about you. You were hidden and completely content with that. Being a science project for the powers that be was not something that excited you.

For the following years to started to cultivate a life in New York. Working for Tony as a SI employee (with a fake new identity craftly created by Tony), while Steve went on continuing his work with SHEILD. When he moved away to DC, it hurt a bit. But the fact that he was still alive, now just a phone call away lessened the hurt. You took that as initiative to build a life for yourself, as a normal person in this new century, keeping your gifts hidden from the world. Trusting only Steve and Tony truly.

When news of what happened to Steve came to your ears, you begged Tony for a ride to DC. He did one better, and had Happy take you on a jet. When you saw he was alive, the fear of losing him evaporated. But it was quickly replaced with shock when he told her Bucky was alive. Her Bucky. Her love. She swore right then and there that she would find him, and left the hospital intending to do just that.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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