Chapter three

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"No fucking way!" Billy growled in Stu's ear, his grip tightened on his shoulder. "Alright man I get it, you're not sharing her yet!" Stu cried out, Billy released him with a grunt.

Billy grabbed his knife and twirled it in his hand. "Are you sure you want to do that?" Stu asked him with his eyebrows raised, Billy nods "we're not going to hurt her, only" he licked his lips. "Scare her" he shrugged.

"Do you reckon she'll join us?!" Stu's eyes lit up, Billy hesitates. "Depends, if I've done a good enough job then... maybe" Stu nods excitedly. "Man, I can't wait to see the look on her face when we-" billy glares at him. "You are making the call, I'm attacking" he states. "Only I am being revealed, just in case." Stu pouted and rolled his eyes. "Fine. When am I calling her?" He asked picking up the phone and voice moderator. "Now you fuckrag!" Billy complained leaving Stu to get closer to Yn's house.

Yn was in her kitchen with her head in the refrigerator. Billy guessed the phone had rung when her head snapped up and walked towards it. He watched through the window as she walked across the kitchen. She was pacing. Stu had said something that scared her. She paused and looked out of the window. "Shit!" Billy breathed, ducking down to hide. He peaked through the window again to see she had hung up the phone.

It was clear the phone had rung again when she visibly shouted into the handset. Billy moved round to her back door then. "C'mon Yn. Turn on the fucking light." He sighed whilst twirling the knife in his hand. When the light turned on, he hid. Yn opened the door and stepped out into the darkness. "If you can see me, what am I wearing?" She asked. Stu had obviously gone quiet as her reply was, "ha! Thought so." Whilst Yn was outside Billy had snuck into the house through the now closed porch door. He hid in the darkness of the living room. Waiting. Stalking.

"Goodbye whoever this is and this stupid prank" she huffed and hung up the phone, Billy slid his mask on with a roll of his eyes, Stu was an idiot. The phone rang again, and she picked it up with a look of annoyance. "Ok seriously this prank has been taken too far goodbye!" She was about to hang up when Billy overheard Stu laugh in that altered voice of theirs.

"Hang up and I'll gut you like a fish" Yn's face dropped, her finger hovering over the end call button. "What...?" She instantly looked at her surroundings, causing Billy to duck behind something once again. "You heard me~" Stu teased her, wanting to get some kind of reaction.

"S-stop this!" She stuttered, slowly backing up her stairs, once Stu got a reaction out of her, Billy had told him to get closer and bang on the windows, giving them enough time to trade the voice box.

Yn screamed at the first bang, Billy stood up and went to the window he was closest too, opening it, Stu handed him the box and continued to bang onto the windows. Billy had dialled Yn's phone, when she picked up, Billy smirked.

"Hello again, Yn" he says into the phone, "what do you want!" She cried back, Billy twisted the knife round in his hand, waiting at the bottom of her stairs. "Oh, I just want to play a little..." he paused for suspense. "Game"

"Leave me alone I don't wanna play a game!" Her voice echoed. "I'd play if I was you, doll" he laughed. "If you lose you die" Yn went quiet. "Good girl~" he dragged out his words and took a step up the stairs. "Now, what's your favourite scary movie?" He asked with a grin on his face.

He heard Yn hesitate "hurry up you don't have a lot of time" he told her, "It's... it's f/h/m." She said, her voice shaking, with her answer he took another step up. "Good, good. Now for the real questions" he heard Yn's breath tremble.

"Are you alone in the house?" He asked as he licked his lips, "" "a-a-ah Yn, no lying" "I'm alone in the house" she said finally, and Billy took another step. "Well done, you answered your first question correctly" he chuckled, loving the rush of Yn being scared.

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