Chapter 1

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AEW Collision - In-Ring - HoB standing over Eddie Kingston

M. Black: As of recently we have fought many battles and come away with a victory of sorts against our opponents, but now we have our eyes set on taking everything from everyone and we're going to start with you Eddie Kingston, you see we do respect you all 5 of us do but, to be frank we want to break you, your friends are gone Eddie, no one can help you no-

Excalibur: Taz that's 

Taz: I know who that is

The House of Black flee the ring as Nick Crosby and Axel Vale enter the ring

Nick: Alright, boys and girls I think we are all in need of a little, Ax what's the word I'm looking for

Axel: Sickness

Nick: And now House of Black, yous all better prepare yourselves cause Hell just woke up and now it's Open Season on all of y'all asses, oh and as for the Queens of the Black Throne, don't worry we've got a Special surprise for them

Axel: See you soon boys, see you real soon, 

The Lights go Out and come back on with the Two debuting Wrestlers gone alongside Eddie Kingston

Excalibur: Taz, those are two members of quite possibly the most feared group in New Japan

Taz: No doubt, those two members of the House of Torture, they enjoy breaking their opponents mentally let alone the physical torture it takes to get through a match with them, those two are clinically insane

Backstage - Off-Screen

E. Kingston: Okay so y'all like creepy creepy then

Nick: Me nah I just play the nutcase well, Ax on the other hand

Axel: I'm all kinds of wrong and horrid

M. Black: Good we look forward to the challenge

B. Matthews: Should be a lot of fun

Axel: I'm ready for it

Julia: What was Japan like

Nick: Well I've still got bruises from matches two years ago if that answers your question

Skye: Cool can I see them

Nick: One yeah

Axel: You don't want to know what the other one's like

Nick: Especially considering one of y'all is Married

K. Fletcher: Oi Oi

Nick: Kez

K. Fletcher: How's the thing

Nick: Healing thanks to you Kez

Skye: Wait I'm confused

Nick: He caused the second Bruise

Skye: Kyle

K. Fletcher: It's not like I meant it

Nick: Yeah keep telling yourself that Kez

K. Fletcher: Yeah I will as much as I know the truth

Nick: So Tom-

???: Dad

Nick: Noah, Picks Noah up in his arms, You behave for Uncle Mark

M. Davis: He was no issue

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