Chapter 3

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Nick turns around seeing Julia who runs and jumps into Nick's arms

Nick: Jules

Julia: Shut up

Julia kisses Nick this time Nick doesn't pull back and only kisses back until Julia pulls back

Nick: Wow

Julia: I'd like for you to take me to Dinner

Nick: Sure, pick a day and I'll pick the place

Julia: No place, just your place, you cook, I'll be there

Nick: Alright, you bring your sweet self and I'll have Anna look after No-

Julia: Noah stays

Nick: No, Noah is going with Anna, it's our Date and I'm not having my Kid interrupt Kissy time on my first Date

Julia: Pouts

Nick: No, your not pulling this, my decision is Final, my Kid is not coming on this first Date

Julia: Fine, second Date though

Nick: Anything after the first Date is fine, just not the first

Malakai: Well it seems as if, you two have taken steady advice, now let's get back over there

Nick: I'm carrying you I assume

Julia: Mhm

Nick: Alright, let's go

The Trio get back to the Group, Anna and Skye are the first to Notice

Anna: So, when's the Date

Nick: Jules

Julia: Hmm, how about Friday

Nick: So Anna or Skye, either of you willing to take Noah

Skye: I'll do it

Nick: Quick on the Buzzer there

Anna: We could both do it

Nick: Skye

Skye: I'm alright with that

Nick: So, I'll drop him off at Anna's Friday at 2PM, so I can get showered, get ready and start Dinner

Julia: Sounds like a plan

Nick: Your adorable, you know that right

Julia: Mhm

Nick: Alright, well I've got to put you down now so I can take my Kid to the Hotel so he gets to bed

Julia: Can I come with you

Nick: No, you can take your cute Ass to bed as well and get some proper rest, you can phone me if you need me

Julia: Okay

Friday Night - Nick's House - After Dinner watching a Movie

Julia: So Noah's Mum, what was she like

Nick: She was just like you, sweet, caring, cute as Fuck and she was amazing with Noah, the one thing she didn't like was me being a Wrestler

Julia: She sounds like she was an amazing Mum

Nick: She was, but it's been me and him for so long now, I don't even know if he remembers Lauren, obviously we split when he was two but the year we co-parented they were always doing stuff together, but I'm glad he's had his Auntie Anna and now he's gonna have Auntie Skye and you

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