Chapter 5

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AEW Rampage - The Madhouse

Axel: Tonight House of Black, I am here alone, I dare you to come find me, and I dare you to take me out

Brody: Too late we already found you

Axel and the House get into a brawl with the House eventually wearing Ax down and holding him in place as Skye and Julia enter

Skye: He lies when he says he's alone

Julia: Where are they Ax, you and I both know they are here, so where are they

Axel: You should know where they are, especially Noah

Julia: Skye, come with me, boys make sure he doesn't get involved

Later in the Show

Julia: Oh Noah, come out, come out wherever you are

Noah: Stepping out from the Shadow, J, you hurt Daddy why

Julia: He needs to see the light, little one, I'm sure, you understand that right

Noah: No, why does Daddy have to hurt, just to make you happy, hasn't he hurt enough

Skye: He's not here, it's only Noah

Nick: Who said it's only Noah, Wraps Left arm around Skye's throat and slightly squeezes, Jules I told you, in the Madhouse no one ever truly wins, now you have two options, save Skye and let Ax go and leave him out of it, 

Julia: Or

Nick: Or you grab Noah and Skye won't leave

Julia: Counter offer

Nick: Speak your terms

Julia: Let go of Skye, we'll let go of Ax but, you help the House when needed for the next hmm let's say three weeks

Nick: Interesting offer, Let's go of Skye, My child

Julia: Grabs Skye and checks on her, Go to Dad little one

Noah walks towards his Dad when Julia stops him

Julia: Remember Noah, The House Always 

Noah: Wins, I know and I'd like to believe that, but not this time

Julia: Your forgetting that even in defeat we win, Let's Noah get to his Dad

Nick: Noah, I need you to not be scared and do something for me

Noah: Okay

Nick: See you soon Buddy, Walks off

Skye: What game is he playing

Julia: I don't know, Noah

Noah: You won't get anything from me

Julia: Interesting

Camera Fades to Black

Off-Screen - Still in the room

Julia: Noah, your already a little Actor in the making

Noah: Thanks Auntie J

Skye: So many lines, you've got talent little one

Anna: Yeah he's bright

Nick: I know, the little turd, can be annoyingly bright, just waiting for the Autism tests to come back now, aren't we buddy

Noah: Yeah

Julia: Who's my little superstar

Noah: I am

Julia: Yes you are

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