happy pill IX

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Sometimes I wish I never been born at all but then maybe I wasn't true because of life I was able to see you but now I hope to die all alone-

And these days I'm ranting about Minho all the time it's getting annoying right- you might be jealous, I hope you are.

I'm starting to eat well and going out more even enjoying some anime and dramas it's been fun- That's what I lied to Felix who would always look after me.I where in reality I'm dying more and more each day as I starve myself and all the enjoyment is dead please just come back to me Hyunjin

Please just come back to me-

He cried looking at his phone every minute hoping the other would text him something even just a hi would have been enough he looks around his messy room and his pained wrist and looks at his phone once again only to hear his heart crack

The message was not delivered.

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