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Third Person POV

"So you want revenge on her wiping out your entire family?" Lara snorted. "And here I thought she did something more heinous." Carla sneered at her. "If it makes you feel any better, she helped kill my dad." Lara snickered.

Carla was unamused. Through revealing the truth, she remembered the pain she associated with that event. It took all her concentration to not allow her emotion to show. It still felt like a raw wound having her family stripped away from her. But as she remembered the horrific event, her motivation to destroy Amelia's life increased. Carla merely smirked back at Lara.

"I will annihilate her life and make her wish she was never born, never fell in love..." Carla eyed Lara. "And never had any children."

Lara stiffened at the insinuation. She then mentally cursed herself for giving away the fact that they had kids. What she didn't know was that Carla was already aware of the fact the spouses had children.

"You thought I didn't know about that little detail?" Carla smirked while Lara had a stoic face. "Oh, I know all about her personal life."

"Leave Nemo and Dory alone!" Lara shouted.

"Huh?" Carla was perplexed.

"Leave our children alone. They're our pride and joy."

"Nemo and Dory." Carla gave her an unamused look. "Like the characters from Finding Nemo."

"We treat our fishes like family."

"I should douse you in vervain for the ridiculousness." Carla shook her head. "I'm talking about your offsprings."

"Who? Charlie and Carface?! Don't touch our doggies!"

"What on earth is wrong with you?!" Carla got frustrated. "How is Mia with you when you have half a braincell?!"

"More like a quarter." Lara mumbled.

"Okay, I'll make it easy for you." Carla stormed to Lara and roughly grabbed her. "I'm going to capture and torment Yeira and Zena."

Lara's face hardened at the names. She knew that Yeira's identity was publicized after the stunt Geneve pulled at the school. She hated the mere thought of her children's identities being exposed. Lara silently prayed that Carla didn't have a physical description of her kids. However, her hopes were quickly crushed.

"For starters, it's cheesy to have Amelia as your lock screen." Carla showed Lara her phone. "And after cracking your password... I'll admit that it was a bit hard with all the security features, but I eventually got it." Carla went to Lara's photos. "Tell me, vampire. Who is who?"

In the picture, Lara was holding a hysterical Yeira upside down, Zena stood between her parents while doing a funny face, and Mila posed with finger guns. Lara regulated her breathing as to not give too much away. She could feel herself start to sweat since Carla knew what her kids looked like.

"What a happy looking family." Carla sighed while staring. "So beautiful."

"I'm warning you." Lara's tone lowered. "They have nothing to do with this."

"Mm... yes, they do. They're Amelia's children." Carla thought for a moment. "She's the one that carried them." Carla sinisterly smiled as Lara growled. "Even better."

"No." Lara shook her head. "They're off limits."

"No, they've been my next targets." Lara's face fell at the news. "You didn't think that I've just been tormenting you and Amelia, right? I've had a search party tracking down your kids way before I even capture you." Lara rattled the chains in an effort to free herself. "I'm going to kill them."

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