What do you think

15 2 7

Do you guys will have kids I think they will have 3 kids
Age 1 1/2 rn in my day dream
Age 1 month and a half  rn In my rp
Age not born still in poppy's stomach in my rp rn
And then viva and clay 2 kids
Name idk I need one
Age still in vivas stomach
Name idk
Age not even thought or one
Source and his wife have 13 kids
Names idk idk idk idk idk Bruce jr idk idk idk idk
12 boys and 1 girl
Ages idk
John Dory will have 4 kids with his wife I think Luna will be her name
3 girls one boy
Ages 2, 4, 8, and 13
Floyd will have 3 kids with his wife idk her name maybe flower
Names idk idk and idk
3 girls or 2 girls and 1 boy idk
Ages 12, 8, and 1

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