Do you think

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What do you think what would happen if you turned a rock troll into a rock zombie like would they be even more rocky or what I really don't no what do you guys think also what's ur guises fav color but seriously 😒 what would happen if you turned a rock troll into a rock zombie like WHAT WOULD HZPPEN would they have even more rockish features I really don't no and this is a question I've been wondering for a while now and if there's rock zombies and jazz zombies is there pop zombies and other trib zombies like what and what if you turns like a jazz troll into a jazz zombie back to the really question what would happen if you turned a rock troll into a rock zombie 🧟‍♀️ like WHAT WOULD HAPPEN!!!! I'm die ing to no haha see what I did there bc zombies are dead haha but what would happen also it's 9:30 woo woo I didn't make it this far last night ok last time WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU TURNED A ROCK TROLL INTO A ROCK ZOMBIE

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