Shell shocked

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Ok so I'm not sure how to start? But the world is not all black and white and the story's you all have been told in some very ashamed is true. But know you all have been warned! this is the story of my life. and it's pretty fucked up so I'm just going to start with my name I am Yuna Liddell Medford. at least that's what I was told by the woman who kidnapped me! come to find out several years later my real name is Yuna Liddell Dupreet! Or Boston... This is going to sound crazy but try to keep up with me! I was born in two different places one you probably only read about in books! I was born in wonderland of all places. my father is the mad hatter his name is blood Dupree but in the world that I was stolen for and just so you know no it is not like the story's you are told as a child my real dad name is blood James Boston! And I never got to meet my real dad until 18 years or 180 years old. but if you see me back then you would not even believe I was 18 you'd probably think I was like seven! Sorry I'm getting a bit ahead of myself! Okay so I was born in wonderland my mother was born in the world that you all know today back in the 160s I believe is around the time she was born I know quite a different world huh. But here's the crazy part time flows differently in wonderland what may seem like you're second could actually be hours days and years so if I had to be precise about around the time. That I was born in I would say it was about 1872 or 187! My mother in wonderland is the Queen of diamonds my father just like is the mad hatter in wonderland he's known as the leader of the hatter's Mafia his right hand is the March hair known as Elliot but I call him Ellie! Oh crap sorry getting off track giggles! I'll introduce more of them later? So my mom the Queen of diamonds she has a sister named cinder. my aunt stole me from my crib the day I was born. the thing is in wonderland a child has to be there for at least 24 hours to a full year. ... because within that time our hearts and souls develop and attached to the place that we are born. I was taken away from the castle of dimension on the day I was born so..... I have no soul and my heart doesn't work the way it should.... I'm a pretty weak and frail child at first glance. Because of her stealing me I ended up having to be born twice my body wasn't fully developed and the jump between dimensions tore me apart so the second place I was born is Saint Petersburg Russia! And you would never believe the family I was born into.... I'll tell you what I'll give you a hint and you can guess! I'm the child that went missing? I'm the one Rasputin rolls over in his grave trying to find? Have you guessed it ......... do you know who I am! that's right!! Im princess Anastasia the last of the Romanoff ! but the thing is I didn't grow up in the palace. grew up somewhere less luxurious not an orphanage that would have been so much nicer. ..... I grew up in a brothel if you don't know what that is it's well you got a phone right? ..... oh forgot if "Pinches the bridge of my nose and frustration" I'll just tell you it will save you from Googling it and me a headache it's .... a whorehouse I remain there until I was 6 I did warn you my story is pretty fucked up!

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