Chapter 3 first heat

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"I drop onto my knees Scared out of my mind I open my eyes and a staring down the throat of the wolf. I close them again and then there's a tight grip of someone's hand around my throat. My eyes open struggling to breathe. My gays is locked with one of pure rage . I know those eyes they haunt my nightmares. A man with emerald green eyes holds me by my throat pins me against a tree away from the wolf.

The man speaks with a voice of silk with an undertone Of pure steel. As his eyes scream with pure rage but his expression stays kind and gentle he tilts his head to the side giving a sweet smile. his medium length black hair barely brushes his shoulders as he looks at me. "Oh little Jacqueline what am I going to do with you why can't you just stay put like a good little girl and I wouldn't have to come save your sorry ass After all me and your mother came all this way to see you and you're not even there your mother is quite Unpleased with you.
I wine and squirm trying to get out of his grip. he squeezes tighter on my throat

An ear splitting growl rips through the air coming from the large black wolf all of us freeze and our eyes lock.
The redheaded boy starts laughing oh but mother wouldn't that be just too cruel? But then again killing this toddler would make things so much easier she's less of a threat now than she will be in the future. The large wolf lets out a chatting sound. The redheaded boy looks at us with a sneer and a face of disgust oh I see I agree mother it seems that she is Alistair 's daughter.

You think I would claim this annoying little brat Jacqueline is not my biological daughter she is what is called a bastard child. little Zane but you wouldn't understand that now would you?

Oh Alister is that supposed to offend me you would be wrong but if you're not careful you might offend my little brother Zurich. You might as well let the toddler go after all oh life for life she killed one of ours and my mother has ordered for Her execution.

Alastair sighs and tilts his head to the side. and what makes you think that I'm going to let you execute her? his expression turns dull and bored he drops me his hand slides behind his back where they can't see my eyes go wide An icy chill runs through my body My body starts to tremble.

I let out a small whimper my eyes full of fear. Trying to warn them not to engage if they attack him them kill them all.

Zane back off the little fox says there's danger. The black wolf head turns to the left as a boy steps through the trees. Is Navy black hair thrown into a bun he looks no older than seven years old and blood running down his body. Yes mother you don't have to give me a look I know I'm late The rest of that pack of foxes took longer to deal with than expected. The little fox may not speak English but I speak the language that she knows how to. The large black wolf growls and snaps at the boy. Yes mother I know my father there is a filthy mutt and I'm nothing more than half breed. The Wind blows through the trees And I smell that pine needles and that fixed suffocating scent again. The rustling leaves around us you could cut the tension in the air with a knife the silence around us is loaded.

(Zane years 14)

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(Zane years 14)

(Zurich years 7)

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(Zurich years 7)

I can't help it I let out a small whimper And a Slight soft purr. the seven-year old boy Zurich eyes snapped to me. His head tilts to this side as his Black eyes turn a crystal blue. Mother the girls in Omega? Zurich chokes out behind gritted teeth Zane Graphs his little brother quickly.

I stare at him confused mega what's that why does he smell so good ?

Allister looks over his shoulder at me with a smirk. looks like your little mongrel's Is in his rut Rose Jacqueline still too young to go into heat. Jacqueline get up now. I let out a small whimper but I stand staying behind Alistair I grab on to the back of his shirt.
The black wolf let's out a deep growl. Zane picks up his little brother Understood mother fall back we're leaving he gives the order to the other wolves. They take off into the woods I can still hear the boy growling.
Alistair grabs me by the arm and drags me back to the brothel I see quiet not making a single sound. I feel my body going from hot to cold on the way back and I'm fighting the urge to shift. The whole way back everything just feels foggy and I can feel my vision tunneling. I feel soft gentle hands cut my face. somebody's talking but it sounds like everything's underwater my eyes flicker up it's my mother she looks concerned and worried she glances over at. Alistair shakes her head and puts her hand to my forehead and then everything goes black.

Sender POV
I'm Pacing out front in front of the brothel Elizabeth the brothel owner keeps apologizing for losing my daughter. I'll look out to the gates and see Alistair dragging my daughter back her eyes are glazed over like she's in a trance. this can't be she shouldn't be going into heat this early maybe when she's 6? Alistair what happened out there what's wrong with her? I cup her face she's burning up.
A young wolf pup went into rut and triggered her heat we need to move her it's not safe for her here now. Your niece rose is out to kill her.
Alistair don't call that filthy girl my niece how many times do I have to tell you. We need to get Yuna in side where she's safe . We need to get her out of Russia. And it doesn't help that that mongrel has her scent now. There's a preacher in Paris that I'm positive will take her in after all she's the spitting image of my darling little sister.
Very well Sender I'll make the arrangements to move her immediately take her upstairs unlock her in one of the rooms when she wakes up I do not want her getting out.


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