Chapter 4

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Raj's POV:

I can't believe it! What a romantic sight! Turns out Wayne decorated a table just for our fist date. Bowie was pretty impressed aswell. We both sat down and had a little talk. "So... did your team win any games?" Bowie asked. Right before I replied, two children ran in the dining room and ran around. "Really? They are trying to have a peaceful date here!" Wayne shouted.

"Sorry about that, I thought nobody would be here." A male boy around 13 spoke. Then, they started running around again. That was when I noticed a knife. "GUYS! WATCH OUT FOR THE KNIFE!" I shouted.

"What-" The male boy spoke before slipping on the knife, which sent the knife flying into his eye. "OH MY GOD!" The female spoke. Wayne, Bowie and I got up to see what happened. "Ok, I need your names." Wayne spoke. "Oh, I'm Taylor and the boy next to me is Junior." The female spoke. "Do not take the knife out, as it will make you bleed more than now." Wayne advised.

Junior nodded whilst Taylor was freaking out. "Raj, you will stay here with the kids, Bowie will get medical supplies and I will find his parents." Wayne spoke. "Junior, what's a name of one of your parents?" Wayne asked. "Dwayne." He quietly spoke. Then, we splitted up.

Dwayne's POV:

"Kelly, do you know where the kids went?" I asked. "No actually." Kelly replied. "Are you telling me you lost the kids?" I replied. "We were busy talking to each other." Kelly spoke. All of a sudden, someone comes up to me. "Excuse me, but are you Dwayne?" The man spoke. "Yea, I am. Why?" I replied. Is this woman your wife?" The man asked. "No, she's friends with me after having a parent argument. Before you ask, she has a daughter called Taylor." I replied.

"That's the information I need to prove you are the parents." The man spoke. "What's your name?" Kelly asked. "Oh, my name is Wayne." He replied. "Ok Wayne, why were you trying to get information about our lives?" I asked.

Kelly's POV

"Yea, I'm really curious." I spoke. "Wait, which one of you has a son?" Wayne spoke. "I do, why?" Dwayne spoke. "Let me explain what happened." Wayne spoke. After Wayne explained the incident, Dwayne ran to the dining hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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