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three. bad

hey guys, i think this story might be discontinued. so please read this last chapter and enjoy ! sorry for ending it like this it's judt that my brain can't function all of the royal shit 😭😭😭

 so please read this last chapter and enjoy ! sorry for ending it like this it's judt that my brain can't function all of the royal shit 😭😭😭

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when i went to the park i recognised you at a glance, face to face we just smiled, we already knew that we'll be together
wave to earth


gyuvin's slumber had stretched well beyond his usual waking hours, a deep and heavy sleep that seemed to have no end. the sun had already cast long shadows across the room by the time he stirred from his rest. gunwook, his devoted butler, had been growing increasingly concerned as the hours passed without any sign of the prince.

the moment gyuvin's eyes fluttered open, he was met with the worried expression of gunwook, who had been sitting nearby, a mixture of relief and concern etched on his face. "your highness," gunwook exclaimed, "you've slept until dinner time. i was starting to worry. are you feeling alright?"

gyuvin's thoughts were still muddled from his prolonged slumber, but he offered a weak smile and replied,
"i'm fine, gunwook. just needed some extra rest, i suppose. i appreciate your concern."

as he slowly sat up in bed, gyuvin couldn't help but feel the lingering weight of his emotions from the previous day. the memory of his encounter with quanrui and the complexities of their budding feelings remained fresh in his mind.

gyuvin slowly rose from his bed, pushing aside the heavy blanket that had cocooned him during his extended slumber. the thought of attending dinner with his family weighed on him as he grappled with the internal turmoil that had intensified in recent days. nevertheless, he knew that his absence would only raise more questions.

as he made his way to the grand dining room, where his parents and siblings were already seated, he tried to put on a composed facade, concealing the emotional storm that brewed within. his mother, queen jieun, smiled warmly as he entered, and his younger siblings waved excitedly, seemingly oblivious to the tension in the air.

however, it was his father, the king, who had a stern expression etched on his face. the king's presence commanded respect and silence in the room, and as the family began their meal, the conversation inevitably turned to matters of state and family.

"so, gyuvin," the king began, his tone measured, "it's time we discuss your future. you're of an age where we need to consider finding you a suitable wife, someone who will ensure the continuity of our kingdom."

the words hung heavily in the air, and gyuvin's appetite instantly vanished. he had anticipated this conversation, but the reality of it stung. he couldn't fathom the idea of being married to someone he didn't love, especially when his heart was already tangled in the web of his forbidden feelings for quanrui.

gyuvin's voice trembled with anger and frustration as he replied, "father, I don't want a wife. I have no interest in entering into a marriage for the sake of duty."

his outburst sent shockwaves through the room, and a heavy silence followed his words. the king's brows furrowed, his patience wearing thin as he snapped, "gyuvin, you will not defy tradition and your responsibilities as a prince. this is not a matter of your personal desires."

gyuvin, his temper flaring, retorted, "I won't be forced into a marriage, father! I refuse to live a life that's a lie!"

the tension in the room became palpable, and the queen's eyes filled with concern. gyuvin's younger siblings exchanged anxious glances, unsure of how to react.

the king's voice, now raised, echoed through the hall as he shouted, "go to your room, gyuvin! you will not speak to me in such a disrespectful manner."

without further word, gyuvin pushed his chair back and stormed out of the dining room, his heart heavy with anger and sadness. he couldn't help but feel that his father, in all his insistence on tradition and duty, was blind to the love and desires that were left unspoken.

gyuvin's slow footsteps echoed through the grand halls of the palace as he retreated to his room. each step was heavy with the weight of his defiance and the consequences it might bring. his father's insistence on tradition and duty felt like a shackle on his heart, and he couldn't shake the feeling that his father was asking him to relinquish his own happiness for the sake of a kingdom he loved but couldn't understand. the door to his room closed behind him, and he was left to grapple with the turmoil of his emotions.

as he paced the room, frustration and anger welled up within him. the memory of the heated exchange in the dining room played over and over in his mind. his father's expectations seemed outdated and inconsiderate of the complexities of his own heart. he grieved for the love he knew he couldn't have, the love he yearned for in secret. it wasn't just the burden of a future marriage but the confinement of his true self that gnawed at him.

outside his window, the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, a stark contrast to the tempestuous storm inside him. he thought of quanrui, of the stolen glances and secret meetings by the fountain. the thought of a love that would remain forever concealed gnawed at him, and he couldn't help but resent the world he was born into. the weight of his own heartache mingled with the weight of the crown.

in the dining room, his father's voice carried on, talking about dynasties and alliances, as if love and happiness could be so easily sacrificed for the sake of a strategic marriage. the distant voices served as a constant reminder of the chasm that separated his desires from his father's expectations. it was as if they lived in two different worlds, forever apart.

meanwhile, the queen watched her husband's stern expression with a mixture of empathy for her son and a sense of helplessness. she, too, had navigated the complex world of royal obligations and personal desires, and her heart ached for the burden gyuvin was being asked to carry. she wanted nothing more than her son's happiness, but the confines of their roles were unyielding.

back in his room, gyuvin's anger gradually gave way to a profound sense of sadness. he knew he couldn't defy his father openly and had no choice but to follow the path laid out for him. it seemed that, in the world of princes and kings, personal happiness was a luxury that he couldn't afford. he couldn't help but feel trapped in a life that wasn't his own.

but gyuvin was not willing to give up on the love he had found in quanrui. in the quiet of his room, he resolved to find a way to keep their connection alive, even if it meant navigating treacherous waters of secrecy and subterfuge. the love that had ignited between them was too precious to let slip away, and he was determined to find a way to keep the flame burning in the shadows.

as he stared out of the window at the stars that twinkled in the inky night sky, he couldn't help but feel a sense of determination, a quiet resolve to protect the love he had found, no matter the challenges that lay ahead. in that moment, gyuvin made a silent promise to himself and to quanrui that he would fight for their love, no matter what obstacles lay in their path.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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