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After a hour drive Niko arrived back at the mansion. He didn't forget about the person his people had in the basement but he needed to make sure Amara was alright. Wait why did he even care...
"Amara.." Niko said she didn't say anything back or even look at him. She just sat there shaking. Niko got out of car and opened Amara's door. He pulled her out of the car and walked her into the house where Sam was waiting by the front door. "What happened?" Sam asked.

"Not now." Niko said and Sam knew not to ask anymore questions. "Amara?" Sam said. "I think she's in shock..she's been in two traumatic events in less than 24 hours." Sam said.
"Amara I need to clean the blood off of you to make sure your not hurt." Sam said grabbing some sterile cloths. He grabbed Amara's arm and she pulled away and said "no!" Sam backed off and looked at Niko for help. "I got this..go." Niko said. Sam stepped out of the room. " there?" Niko asked. No response. "Can I clean your arms?" He said. Still nothing.

So he grabbed the cloth and started to wipe her arms..she didn't scream this time..did she trust Niko? After about 15 minutes of wiping Amara's arms off Niko saw that she had small cuts on her hands. Probably from stabbing Viktor. He got up to grab some bandages and Amara grabbed his arm "no" she said. Niko was thrown off for a second but remembered she was traumatized." Amara your safe."he said. She let his arm go but didn't say anything.

Niko left momentarily and then came back with bandages but when he entered the room Amara was gone. " Amara? Fuck." He said looking around the room. He pulled out his phone and pulled up the cameras on the property. He looked and looked until he saw her sitting in the garden. He walked out of the medical wing and towards the back hallway. He opened the double doors and walked outside. "Amara" he said trying to get her attention. She didn't respond or move.

Niko walked closer to her "Amara..I need to bandage your they don't get infected." Niko said. Still nothing..So Niko walked over to her and sat in the grass beside her.

Amara felt his presence beside her and slowly turned to look at him. "I killed someone." She said with tears in her eyes. " you did.." Niko said. Amara looked down at her hands but the blood was gone. "I killed my own father..I'm a monster." She said.
"Can i clean your cuts please..?" Niko asked but it sounded more like a demand. Amara looked at him...she gave a look of approval and Niko helped her up.

They walked back to the medical wing. Niko cleaned and bandaged her cuts. "Ok I'm done..just make sure you change those bandages out. " he said. "And ask Sam if you need any help." Niko said.  "Where do I go now...I mean I can't go back home..and I have school and work.." Amara said looking up at Niko.
Niko felt something in his chest..did he seriously care about some random girl he found. "Uh you can stay here.. but I need you to understand something.." he said. "What is it?" Amara asked.

"You staying having contact with me puts a huge target on your enemies they will kill you to get to me..I need you to understand this Amara." Niko said. Amara looked at him..she thought about it..she didn't know where else to go..and home wasn't an option. "Ok I understand." Amara said. Niko nodded to her understanding.

"Follow me I'll show you where you will be staying." Niko said standing by the door. Amara stood up and walked towards the door. They both walked out the medical wing and towards the stairs. They walked up the stairs and started heading down a separate hallway. Amara grew nervous.."Alright here's your room." Niko said opening a door. Amara walked in and was amazed.

The walls were white with gold trim. There was a huge bed in the center..her closet was just as big as the room. She had a desk and her own separate bathroom. "This is all mine?" She asked. "Yeah" Niko replied. "I'll send Phoenix to get the rest of your stuff tomorrow." Niko said. "My phone it's broken...can I get it fixed?" Amara asked.
"No." Niko said answering her question."What-"  Amara was taken back by his response. "But I need my phone-" Amara started. "I'll send one of my men to get you a new one." Niko said cutting her off.
"Oh thank you." Amara said. "I'll let you get room is down hall it's the black double doors. Just knock if you need anything." He said walking out and closing the door. Niko was walking down the stairs and pulled his phone out to text Phoenix.
Need you to pick up Amara's things.
Sure boss whats the address?
1432 Avery Street
And clean up the mess she left behind.
You got it boss.

Amara walked around the room in amazement. She then walked into the closet to look. She noticed sitting on one of the shelves was her book-bag. She gasped loudly and ran towards it. She quickly opened it and pulled her laptop out. She wanted to let Lani know she was safe. She pulled it out and walked out of the closet. She sat on the bed and opened the laptop putting in her password. She opened the messages app and saw she had 29 unread messages.

She clicked on them and they read
Where the hell are you?
If you don't respond I'm leaving you!
Answer your mom just called looking for you!
Seriously are you okay?! I asked Reyes but he said u left b4 he woke up!!
Wow..your a slut!
The last message made her heart drop..what was Lani talking about?? She started typing.."Lani I'm fine and what are you talking about?" She sent it and waited for a reply after about two minutes she heard a ding. "I've seen the video." Lani replied. Amara was confused a lot he happened in the past 24 hours so she couldn't really understand what Lani was talking about. "Lani what video?!" Amara replied.
Lani didn't say anything she just sent a link.

Amara clicked the link and waited for it to load. When the video finally loaded she realized what it was. It was the night of the party and it had been posted on the school website. She clicked play.
"WHATS UP LIBERTY HIGH! ITS YOUR ONE AND ONLY ALLSTAR QUARTERBACK REYES!" Amara's heart dropped at those words. She still kept watching as Reyes and his friends explained what they were gonna do to her. And then someone she never expected came into the camera. "Hey guys it's Lani!! Tonight is gonna be funny as hell. The prank we're pulling on Amara just you wait!"

Amara started crying and hyperventilating. "No please no.." she said to herself. She listened and watched herself scream for them to stop. She watched as they took turns holding her down as they forced themselves inside her. All 5 boys took turns holding her down, raping her and videoing it. "Oh my god.." Amara said. Eventually she couldn't take anymore especially when she heard them laughing. She slammed the laptop closed. She stood up and walked towards the door but she stopped..she heard someone coming towards her room. She turned around and hurried to the closet. She went in closed the door and turned the light off. She sat down in the corner.

Amara's room door opened it was Niko bringing her the rest of her stuff from her house. When he walked in he saw the room empty. "Amara?" He asked. Amara didn't reply though instead she covered her mouth so Niko couldn't hear her crying. "Amara?" Niko asked again. He looked around but didn't see her..but he saw her laptop sitting on the bed. He walked over and opened it.

When the computer opened it was the video Amara had been watching. He pressed play..curious to see what she was doing.
The video played and Niko tensed up..he saw the 5 guys that assaulted her. He slammed the laptop shut
"Amara?!" He said again. Then he heard a noise..he stopped and listened. It was coming from the closet..he walked toward it. "Amara?" He said again.
"I know your in here.." he said. "Go away.."Amara said sniffling. "I saw it." He said..he didn't realize that what he said had made her more upset. "Great so you and the whole school saw it!" She said crying.

"Amara..I-" Niko was actually speechless. "WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE? IM JUST SOME RANDOM GIRL WHO YOU FOUND THAT WAS RAPED!" She said yelling but immediately regretting it. She covered her mouth shocked at what she said. Niko was silent for a moment. "I care because..that's not the point..the point is you will never have to worry about anything ever again." Niko said. Amara looked at him tears in her eyes. "What?" She said wiping away her tears. "Your staying here..and you won't be going back to the shitty school." He said standing up. " Wha- I cant just drop out of school Niko." Amara said standing up and following him out of the closet.
"Amara your not going back there. End of discussion." He said.


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