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Some say it's pure luck and others say she's damn well good at dodging the bullet..sometimes quite literally.Mariah was known for her small noodle restaurant in the heart of Italy. But that was only the tourist attraction..the real ones knew that under her restaurant was a bunker where she stored all of her military grade weapons that she would sell. Was she supplying both the Italian mob and Russian Mob?

Yes but neither had to know that. And right now she was currently laying low in a trashy motel dying her locs. For some context a few weeks back she had met with Nikolaus Volkov. Head of the Russian Mafia..they had made a deal she was gonna sell him almost half a million dollars worth of weapons. But she kind of fucked up..she showed up to the warehouse with a couple of local thugs with the intention of stealing the money. After an intense shootout only Mariah made out alive and barely..she had been shot in the shoulder.

She called her "friend" Nadine because she had been dating a doctor. She needed her shoulder stitched up but Nadine didn't answer her phone so she sent her calling card. A butterfly burnt into the body of one of their previous business partners. But she knew something was up when Nadine didn't respond to that.

After an hour of dying her hair Mariah got dressed in a black oversized hoodie and some leggings with her leather jacket. She grabbed her converse from by the hotel door and headed out. She did four laps around the block to be sure she wasn't being followed before heading towards the subway. She pickpocketed a man stealing his metro card. She got on the train that was heading to Nadine's neighborhood. When she exited the subway she noticed there was a woman in all black watching her. The woman started walking towards her. Mariah had to think quick..does she pull her gun and shoot causing a distraction so she can run or does she take her chances and wait to see who the woman is.

But when she looked back up the woman was gone. Guess you start to overthink things when you're hiding from the Russian mafia. She exited the station and walked two blocks. She was standing across the street from the flower shop. There was cop cars everywhere. "What the actual fuck." She said. A woman had walked up beside her and pressed a gun into her side. "You're gonna walk with me and not make a scene or Nadine dies." The woman said. Mariah had two choices what the woman asked or make a scene and fight her way out...she quickly glanced down to see the type of gun.

It was the SIG M17 she had gifted Nadine. "Which way?" She asked deciding to follow orders. "Go left and you try to run I won't hesitate to shoot your ass." The woman said. Mariah did as told walking to the left. "Make a right turn and go into the alley." The woman said. The two walked into an alley and before Mariah could speak the woman hit her in the head knocking her out. The woman dragged Mariah's body and put it in the trunk of an all black G-Wagon. She looked around to be sure no one saw before getting into the drivers seat and driving off.

When Mariah woke up she was tied to a chair. "Great." She said. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!" She yelled. "HEY I DID WHAT YOU SAID AND YOU KNOCK ME OUT? WHAT A PUSSY!" She yelled again. The door then opened. "My god shut the fuck up." Kali said. She walked over and grabbed a chair to sit down. " your here because your a dumbass." Kali explained. "Where's the money?" She asked. Mariah shook her head "I don't know what you're talking about." Kali sighed and then stood up from the chair. "You wouldn't be tied to a fucking chair if I didn't already know that you stole it." Kali said. "I don't have your money" Mariah responded

"Here's the's not my money it's my bosses and he's not as nice as I'm being right now." Kali explained. Mariah didn't say anything but Kali's attention was turned away when someone knocked on the door. Kali walked over and opened it a little "what I'm busy" she whispered. "Boss said he's on the way and he will handle this." A man said. "Alex what the fuck are you talking about." Kali asked confused. "Boss wants to handle it his self...Плюс я скучаю по тебе." The last part he said seductively.
Kali rolled her eyes before closing the door. "My boss is on the way." She said before knocking Mariah out again.

Niko was sitting on the bed in Amara's room. It had been a few hours since he found her in her bathroom having a breakdown after a bed nightmare. She was currently sleeping on his lap. It took him forever to convince her to go back to bed. His phone started to ring so he picked it up off the nightstand. "What" he said. "Damn that's how we talk to people know?" Kali said on the other line. "What do you want Kali" he said. "I found your targets."she said. "Did you find them or do you have them?" Niko said sitting up. "I have them." She said hanging up. "Damn it." He said slowly laying Amara's head on the pillow.

He walked into the bathroom closing the door. He dialed Alex's number..he knew Drew was somewhere drunk so he couldn't rely on him currently. The phone rang for a minute before Alex picked up. "Hello?" He said. "Need you to go down to the bunker and tell Kali I'm on the way and I'll handle it when I get there." Niko said. Alex didn't say anything for a moment. "I got it." He said before Niko hung up.

"Niko?" Amara called out from the bedroom. When he heard her he opened the door. "I'm right here." He said. He sat back down beside her on the bed. "Pack your bags we're going to Italy." He said. Amara looked up at him "Italy? I've never been." She said smiling.

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