Part 2: Beasts from the East

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Fritz: "So...when do we get the new kid?"
He better be able to put up with all the work ahead of him. This is no child's play

Felix: "He's supposed to show up in 20 minutes judging by my pocket watch. He's supposed to be our new radio operator."

Fritz: "So what's his name?"

Felix: "Otto, he's 24."

*an 88mm empty shell casing is tossed out* *cling*

Karl: "I heard he's a forced recruit. Taken away from his family to fight. Ok gun is clear and ammo stowage empty, ready for ammunition sir." He says as he crawls out of the loaders hatch

Kaiser: *sigh* "Here Karl, let's get this over with"
*begins to hand Karl ammunition* "So Commander, what's your plan? Push forward or fall back?"

Fritz: "We should try to push forward while we can. Can only hope for the best from here. I don't have high hopes but...we can only pray."

Otto: "Uh hallo, are you Commander Fritz Heinrich?"

Fritz: The boy looked nervous. Felix was right, he was a young boy. Early twenties just like Felix said.
"Yes I am. You must be Otto correct?"

Otto: "Yes sir! Otto reporting for duty sir!" He saluted Fritz, standing tall with pride.

Fritz: *salutes back* "Well Otto this is Felix, our driver. And then there's Karl. *Karl nods his head at Otto* He's our gunner. Finally there's Kaiser, our loader.

Karl: "Hello new guy, you ready for the action? Ready to spill the blood of enemies?"

Fritz: Karl had this grin on his face. Giving the boy an uncomfortable feeling. "Karl leave the boy alone. We don't mess with teammates in situations like this. We must stay serious and focused."

Otto: "If I must I will kill..."

Fritz: "Must? You are going to kill, Otto. Americans, Soviets, Brits...its part of your job. You may work the radio but you also work the hull machine gun."
What was this kid thinking? Did he really think he wasn't gonna have to kill people?

Otto: "Uh...ok sir."

Felix: "Otto! Come here!"

Otto: "Y-yes Felix."

Fritz: *I climbed up the Tiger 2 H and opened the commanders cupola. I sat down in the commanders seat and saw Felix teaching Otto about the radio and the hull machine gun.* Such a young boy to be fighting. I guess when war comes to this a country must take drastic measures. But still, he could be in university or something somewhere else. Instead he's here fighting a war he probably doesn't want to be a part of.

Felix: "Ok Otto so this knob is for frequency ok? This one right here is your volume. These switches right here are for direct lines. Mainly to other axis stations. Got it."

Otto: "Y-yes sir..."

Felix: "Don't call me sir. You can call me Felix. Okay?"

Otto: "Understood, Felix."

Kaiser: *Climbing into the tank giving Karl the last shell* "Alright sir tank is fully loaded. Shall we proceed?"

Fritz: "Felix...start her up. We'll try to push forward. If not we'll just have to work our way back to Berlin slowly."

Felix: "On it sir!" *Felix puts the key into the ignition and turns it. He then pressed and held down the ignition button listening to the engine turn over and come to life* "Alright and here we go."

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