Side story: This Night 1/2

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The young girl slipped quietly out of her room.

With her back against the wall, she peered into the hallway leading to the exit. The lights were on and several helpers were running around, making last-minute preparations for the morning's departure. She waited breathlessly for them to leave, staring at her reflection in the glass of the large window.

This time she left nothing to chance. The white, close-fitting dress clung to her body, accentuating her perfect figure. Careful make-up enhanced her striking features. She wore her hair loose, falling down her back in auburn waves.

There was no doubt that she looked good. Men adored her and would do anything to win her favour. She could have any of them. All she had to do was smile and they would fall at her feet.

Except for one.

And because of him, she had snuck out of her room tonight, breaking her mother's orders and... She felt remorse at the thought of Reiji.

They'd been seeing each other for over a year now, and in everyone's opinion, especially her mother's, they were a perfect couple. He was a skilled medic, a kind and sweet boy who loved her unconditionally.

Reiji was a future doctor, came from a good family and was always kind and polite. Simply the best match any mother could wish for her daughter.

Only Reiji was a certainty, a predictability and a little bit of a bore. But he...

Just thinking about him made her heart beat faster.

When he first showed up at her house two years ago, she had been afraid. She knew his reputation well. He was the Emperor's most feared assassin, his best soldier and right-hand man. The one who had killed dozens, maybe hundreds of enemies. The most famous warrior of the Empire.

And all of a sudden, this legendary man was standing on their doorstep. She was terrified, but she couldn't take her eyes off him. Even the housemaids couldn't resist peeking out from behind the closed kitchen door to see him talking to her mother, the stern mistress of the house. 

His very name meant adventure, excitement, danger, and here she was, finally seeing him for herself.

He was dressed in a long leather coat, armed not only with firearms like the other soldiers, but more importantly with his famous sword. It didn't look too threatening in the sheath at his back, even though everyone knew how many lives that blade had ended.

That day, she gathered her courage and crept closer to listen to his conversation with her mother.

"The Emperor is pleased with your work, Lady Maiko," he said in a low voice. "But he has ordered me to be at your side if you need me."

"Does he think I cannot do my job?"

The black-haired man pressed his lips together tightly and spoke slowly, "From what I have heard, your husband is long dead, you have only a daughter. Take this as an offer of help."

"Sure," the older woman nodded with a somewhat forced smile. "Thank you."

The girl's family had always been great supporters of the Empire; her father, an Imperial officer, had died in battle when she was very young, but thanks to his high position they had maintained their prestige even after his death. They had a big house and money. And now the war threatened to take it all away.

Her mother had supported and helped the Imperial soldiers since the beginning of the rebellion. She didn't trust her daughter with everything, but the girl understood what was going on in the house. Many suspicious boxes were hidden there, soldiers came in, and many refugees from war-torn areas found shelter under their roof.

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