The aura test

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It was Tuesday morning when I woke up from my alarm clock. I groaned and I hit the snooze button on my phone.

Couple minutes later...

My alarm clock from my phone went off once again and I groaned again, okay okay I'm up I said in a cranky voice. I took at the time on my phone. 9am. My class started at 10am so I got up from my bed in my dorm room then I went to my bathroom in my dorm room and I took a shower after I was done with my shower, I grabbed a towel to dry myself off. After I dried off I brushed my teeth and I washed my face like usual, after I was done I just threw on khaki sweatpants/hoodie set on. Then I refilled my cat's food and water bowl then I cleaned her litter after I was done refilling her food and water bowl. Then I checked the time on my phone, it was 9:30am. I grabbed my phone,my charger, and my headphones then I lefted my dorm room and I locked it behind me then I started walking to school with my headphones in my ears.

Couple minutes later...

I was in the school and I just looked around for a little bit, then I started walking to Mr.Awaiza class. I got into class then I took my seat like usual, since for some weird reason we only going to our 4th period class for couple hours and couple  days in the week for some weird reason. Then the rest of my classmates came in and took in there seats as well. They started to each other while I just got on my phone until Mr.Awaiza came in the class. Mr.Awaiza came in, settle down class settle down he said to the class. Everybody stopped talking and looked at Mr.Awaiza, I got off my phone and took my headphones off and I looked at Mr.awaiza's as well.

Good morning class Mr.Awaiza said reservedly to the class. Good morning sir a couple of students said to Mr.Awaiza. Today I'll be testing every student's aura power and  level Mr.Awaiza said bluntly. Everybody just listened to this information. Mr.Awaiza showed the listing to everyone to see who was going to be tested for the student's aura power and there level for there aura.


I took a look at the listing,I really didn't have a reaction, huh? I'm last okay that's fine with me I thought to myself. Then mr.Awaiza started to us. Since bakugou was first to be tested he got up and mr.Awaiza told  him to go outside so he could do his aura power and his aura level test, he nodded and followed Mr.Awaiza so could do his aura test. Mr.Awaiza and bakugou were outside. Alright bakugou I want you to put your together mr.awiaza said to bakugou. Yeah yeah he said. Bakugou put his hands out together and focused until his aura came out. Mr.Awaiza tested bakugou's aura power and his level to his aura and it was pretty powerful. You can leave now mr.Awaiza said to bakugou. Okay he said. Bakugou went back to the classroom. Mr.awaiza continued to test all of his students until he reached his last student which was you.

Couple hours later...

Mr awiaza finally called me, I  was the last person that he had to test for my aura power and level. I was kinda of nervous but I didn't show because I KNEW it was going to be extremely high because how of crazy my aura transformed was  it lasted a entire day basically and took my out for 2 days😭! I  got up from my seat quietly and walked up to Mr.Awaiza  as soon I got up the
aura power inside of me and it shocked the entire class even todoroki was shocked but one person wasn't shocked and that was Bakugou. He knew from day one your aura was like this so he just looked at you KNOWING damn well you was going to have THE HIGHEST aura power and level in the entire class. me and mr.Awaiza were outside. alright now let's test your aura power and level Mr.Awaiza said to me. Alright sir, what do you want me to do to I asked Mr.Awaiza. I want you to put your hands together like this mr.Awaiza said showing you. I also want you to back up a bit when you do this to Mr.Awaiza said to you. Right I said. I backed up and put both of my hands out. Good I want you to focus on the energy throughout your body including your mind and I want you to close your eyes while you do this to mr.Awaiza said to you. Okay I said. I closed my eyes focusing on the energy throughout my body and mind while my hands were out still.

I been doing this for a couple minutes...

I don't feel anythin- I stopped at mid sentence my whole body started glitching extremely rapidly,  my eyes open immediately when this happened,  my power beam  came out soo quickly that my teacher mr.Awaiza couldn't even see it himself because of how fast it came out of my body and my eyes were still glitching extremely rapidly still while my power beam still kept going. Mr.Awaiza was extremely shocked, he DID NOT EXPECT THAT MUCH POWER to come out from MY AURA. Mr.Awaiza used a machine to rest the result of my aura power and level.

My aura power beam stopped after a couple hours... it completely drained me out even I did my best to hide it. then mr.Awaiza read my quirk power he was extremely shocked. 999 centillion with infinity?!! Holy shit!!! mr.Awaiza thought to himself. I looked and I saw the complete shock in
mr.Aizawa face and it was hard for him to get shock or surprise. mr.Awaiza kept looking at me with his mouth open wide then he closed it. Then he  looked back at me, are extremely powerful.. he said. are you alright sir? I asked him. He nodded, yeah im fine but i cant believe how strong you are he said bluntly. oh
I said. you can go now Mr.Awaiza said. I nodded and I went back into the classroom the bell already rang for lunch and I grabbed all of my stuff and I went to the library since I really liked quiet places and I had a really bad migraine, I just had headphones on and I was on my phone. Jesus Christ that girl is extremely powerful, there's not even no data on her aura mr.Awaiza thought to himself.

everybody else was eating in the cafeteria eating. I can't believe karma's aura is that powerful mina said. I know right it's insane! Kirishma said. I never knew she had such a powerful aura sero said. I agree Jirou said.

Couple hours later...

the bell rang for the ending for lunch and I grabbed all of my stuff still feeling extremely lightheaded and I walked to my dorm, I opened the door and I closed the door behind me then I put my stuff up and I completely passed out asleep on the bed while
some of the students went to the commonary room to socialize and some went to there dorms.

To be continued...

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