Dear Childhood

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Dear childhood
I'm sorry
Dear childhood
I'm jumping the gun
Like you couldn't
Dear childhood
Why do you cry so silently
Dear childhood
I promise you
You made it somewhere
Dear childhood
You ended too soon
Dear childhood
I'm sorry you were a third adult
It never went away
Dear childhood
I'm not even an out of high school
Dear childhood
Would you hate me
For growing too fast
Too angry
Too sad
Too silent
Too much
Dear childhood
I don't know the future
Dear childhood
You still feel out of place
I'm sorry
Dear childhood
I don't remember what it feels like
To be young anymore
Dear childhood
I still haven't told anyone
Dear childhood
I never got to be wild
I feel too tired for it now
Dear childhood
You still should be happy
By all technicalities
But you're not
Dear childhood
Gender still doesn't make sense
Dear childhood
What is love
And who am I to question
Dear childhood
What am I doing

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