Chapter 2 *That's who you are!*

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Liam’s POV:

We returned outside after laying Zayn back down on the couch. He would recover eventually.

“Is he okay?” The other girl asked, tossing the ball between her two hands.

“Yeah,” I replied. “He’ll be fine.”

“Okay. Where’s Rachael?” She asked.

“Who’s Rachael?” Louis questioned.

The girl laughed. “Ohh yeah. My friend is Rachael. My name’s Ashley.”

I chuckled to myself.

“Well, it’s nice to formally meet you, Ashley,” Harry flirted. “Rachael’s back inside with Zayn. She feels guilty and wanted to make sure he was going to be alright.”

Ashley’s POV:

“Ohhhhh,” I said quietly. Then, my eyes bulged and I stopped fumbling with the soccer ball. “Did you say she’s inside with Zayn?” I raised an eyebrow.

The Irish boy chuckled as they walked closer. “Ohh yeah. He’s Zayn. This is Louis, Liam, and Harry. And I’m Niall.”

He pulled off his beanie and slowly took off his sunglasses. I was dumbfounded.

The boys laughed quietly to themselves.

“Starstruck?” Harry questioned. I quickly got myself together.

“I was completely oblivious,” I confessed. How the hell could I not have known?!

“That’s kind of rare, actually,” Liam said. “Most people know when it’s us.”

“Well, you guys were disguised. I would have never guessed.” I dropped the ball down and kicked it to Niall. I wanted to act normal, so they wouldn’t know that I was one of those fans.

We kept playing until I was too tired to continue.

“I think I’m going to go grab a drink. Do you boys want to come in?”

They all nodded as they wiped the sweat off their faces.

Rachael’s POV:

I sat talking with Zayn. I still thought that I was dreaming.

“So, what are you girls doing in London? You sound like you’re from America.”

“Yeah, we are,” I answered. “We decided to take a vacation here. We’ve always wanted to go to England. But I think we may move here, actually….But what are you doing here? Aren’t you always busy?”

He sighed. “Yeah. But we just ended our US tour. We needed to take some time off from the spotlight.”

“Well, that must be nice,” I said. “How’d you guys even end up….here?”

He chuckled to himself. “Well, we were in town and Lou saw the hill and thought that it would be fun to roll down it. So we ran up it and that’s when Niall saw your friend.”

“So he just decided to play soccer with us?”

“Well, you can’t really stop Niall from hitting on a girl.”

I cracked up. And Zayn laughed at my laughter.

“I probably wasn’t supposed to tell you that, though.”

“Ohh, trust me. Ashley will be ecstatic.”

“Ohh, are you guys fans?”

I calmed my laughter down. “You could say that.”

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