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Wooyoung pov:
When I got back to the table, trying to find others everyone was chatting and they looked like they didn't even notice me..until..

"Hey Wooyoung!?" Why don't you join us?" Yunho said

"I want to go home, i'm just tired and my head hurts like hell" Wooyoung replied tried to not look towards San

"Oh damn, that sucks" Yeosang said rolling his eyed

"Don't be so mean, Yeosang." Seonghwa said glaring towards Yeosang

"I'm not, but headaches suck". Yeosang replied.

"Let's get all home then, it's getting late" Seonghwa said staying up

"But I wanna stay a bit moreeee, we were supposed
to play truth or daree!" Yunho shouted

"Yunho, come on, Wooyoung is clearly not well and you know damn well if I'm leaving too you have to as well, tomorrow you have photoshoots, so come on, we're leaving, no buts nor anything, WE ARE LEAVING.!" Seonghwa said

"okay jeez" Yunho tried to get up but almost fell, until Mingi caught him

"be careful" Mingi simply said

"oh I won't if you will be the one to catch me" Yunho said

"was that supposed to be a pick up line?" Yeosang asked Yunho with a disgust on his face

"of course not." Yunho replied

"okay let's just all go then" Seonghwa said

"Ey Hwa, let's keep in touch, maybe we'll plan a hangout or something like that" Hongjoong said smiling to Seonghwa

"Oh sure then." Seonghwa replied flashing a quick smile

"Wooyoung, i'll text you later." San said with a smirk on his face towards Wooyoung

"Alright." Wooyoung replied

"Wooyoung what's the actual problem here? Your head doesnt actually hurt, so what actually happend?"Seonghwa asked while putting his seatbealt on

"Is it about that San guy? Isn't he the CEO of that company or?" Yeosang asked not taking his eyes out of the phone

"I dont know about y'all but that tall guy mingi i think was his name or something was pretty hot, i mean did y'all see when he caught me!!?" Yunho screamed

"shut your mouth and stop screaming about it we do hear you, yunho." Yeosang said rolling his eyes

"can we just get back home? i wanna get in my bed and sleep." Wooyoung cut off everyone placing his head on the window

"Come on,Wooyoung, just tell me what bothers you, please?" Seonghwa said

"Just forget it Hwa."Wooyoung replied putting his headphones on

"Okay.." Seonghwa replied

"What do y'all think about having a sleepover at mine?" Yeosang said randomly

"OMG SAY LESS!" Yunho replied

"Yes omg, let's go grab some skincare and stuff from my place" Seonghwa said

"I don't know if i'm joining y'all tonight, i'm not feeling well so I don't want to destroy your fun, you can just drop me here Hwa, I'll stop at the shop to get something." Wooyoung said

"Okay then, if anything happens just call me, okay?" Seonghwa said while stopping the car

"Have fun y'all" Wooyoung said getting out of the car

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