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It was Halloween. It was also frigid outside, but I stayed inside my tree house. It was pretty spacious with just enough room for me anyway. I mean, there wasn't any use having more room since I was still single and such...Nobody even tried asking me out at all. Probably don't want anyone visiting tbh...it's cluttered with overflowing comic books, creepypasta magazines, and a hefty load of dirty laundry on my floor...Eh, yeah, but okay wait, before you judge? Okay, I'll get it off my chest I guess...I have something called ombrophobia which is an extreme fear of rain. With this said it's been raining out for days so I couldn't go and get my laundry done at all, and I stay huddled in my tree house playing my Xbox instead. It was somewhat peaceful but then I got bored.

I turned off the game system and put away the game controller and purple TV remote on top of my bedstand. I smiled as I glanced at my tiny Siren-head plastic model figurine on the stand. He was my all-time favorite creepypasta. Right next to the figurine, I grabbed my video recorder camera, opened up the screen, and turned on the power button. The screen was a little fuzzy looking but I knocked it a few times and it became more clear. There was something I've always wanted to do for my birthday; Hunt for Siren-head. So I grinned at the thought and closed the camera, placing it to the side for the time being. I threw on some black sweatpants, after sifting through the dirty laundry on my floor. In the corner of my eye, I found a dark green hoodie, my favorite one too...I have a thing, well, a liking with the hazard symbols, and so I picked it up. I brought it up to my nose and sniffed it, shrugging my shoulders because it didn't smell that bad, and then I pulled it over my head while inserting both of my arms. This would do for the cold weather since I wasn't yet equipped with a jacket. I know, you're probably thinking that's hella dumb...I know, I know okay? See thing is too, I have bad anxiety from time to time so it could be rough just going out.

Before leaving my tree house, I grabbed my camcorder and threw on some brown canvas sandals, knowing these would do. I rushed over to the small window and looked outside. For once in my life it seemed, and omg, it wasn't raining. Thank god. I felt so much more relieved and then I smiled because of it.

I then walked over to the door and went out as I locked it behind me. I took the rope ladder down, carefully one by one with my feet. I reached the ground and I started walking. It was peaceful, the beautiful woods covered in so many different trees and colors of red, orange, yellow, and brown leaves. I pulled out the camera from my hoodie pocket and started recording. I turned the camera over so it was facing me, fixing some of the black hair strands out of my eyes, and I spoke, "Today is October 31st, directly five o'clock at night." I tread carefully as I continued my logging experience for the video and then turned the camera towards the forest, slowly panning around my surroundings. A soft wind blew, making me slightly shiver and the camera shook a bit in my hands. I then held the camera steadily. I panned around my surroundings again after ten or so minutes passed by.

A sudden snapping noise and I completely jumped as I was startled and asked, "Hello?" I looked around but then I felt something quickly tighten around my body as I dropped my camera, I saw the thing crack in multiple places, looking to see exactly what tightened around my whole body. It was a large hand. It picked me up and I caught a glimpse of what the creature was, and it was Siren-head! I was excited so I spoke, "Oh my god....I can't believe it!" I heard Siren-head's siren as it was loud and echoed through the woods. Suddenly Siren-head picked me up above his head, and I half-panicked, and he threw me high into the air as I felt a rushing wind on my whole body. I felt light, and I was screaming for my life. I was about seventy to eighty feet thrown in the air, and then gravity defined the fact I wasn't air anymore, and I began to fall straight down.

Screaming at the top of my lungs...

The feeling was drastically traumatizing. Practically flailed my arms hopelessly through the air as I descended the many feet. My eyes grew wider as I noticed a sharp tree branch sticking up--right below where I was falling. I gasped and screamed in agony as it pierced my abdomen and I could feel the warm blood of mine pouring out.

I blacked out...for a moment at least but then I managed to open my eyes. I had been slightly lifted from the ground by the branch as I slightly shifted my body, clenching my teeth as the pain felt deep. I had managed to stand up after a few attempts, forcing the opposite side of the tree to snap and I was let free. But what was left in my body was a six-inch thick trunk of the tree, gouged three feet in and three feet behind me. My eyes started watering as I studied, my legs staggering from side to side as I tried to walk. I held my head with both hands in shock, astonished.

I'm Marcel, and this is my story...

Marcel (Fan-made Creepypasta oc story)Where stories live. Discover now