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I found myself so happy, like even I caught myself skipping through the forest like a crazed maniac just because Slenderman offered me to become a Proxy. I whistled a small tune and continued skipping around, finding anything I'd be able to kill. After about an hour of searching, a little girl was walking through the woods, so I quickly hid my body behind a tree and peeked around the side, watching her. She wore a blue dress and a blue bow in her long black hair. As she passed by, I silently began to follow close behind her. It was awkward because I hesitated too much...

A branch underneath my foot snapped loudly as I cursed, "Shit!" and held back that foot from the tree branch awkwardly. She turned around and started screaming, which made me scream with her. She picked up a rock from the ground and it hit the side of my forehead with force as I cried, "Oww! What did you do that for?!" The girl started running away as I looked down at the rock she threw at me. I picked it up and put it in my pocket, then I followed her again, quickening my pace. "Hey wait!" I yelled as I tried catching my breath from my speed. As I had a loss of breath, a sudden weird feeling came around. My thoughts felt clouded...

I remember I was watching and chasing the little young girl and then I heard some screaming...

I nodded out of the trance I was in, looking down in my arms was the girl, cold and stiff. I dropped her body from my arms in shock as her body thumped to the ground. A sore feeling from my mouth had developed, as I had used the reflection of my watch to see my face. I gasped as I had teeth about three inches coming out from my mouth, all covered in the girl's blood. I winced from the pain as I noticed the teeth slowly going back into my gums and then were back to normal. My eyes were wide. "Holy...Shit..." I wiped the blood from my hands onto my black pants. "What...The...Fuck..."

Seeing the little girl dead was a strange yet comforting feeling. It was done at least, and all I had to do was bring her body to Slenderman and I would be a confirmed proxy...

An hour passed as I finally found Slenderman. I threw the dead girl's corpse off my shoulder, in front of Slenderman as his grin lengthened. "Marcel, you went after this girl?"

I nodded. Then Slenderman made a signal of some sort, then from behind the trees and bushes of the forest, out came Ben Drowned, Jeffery Woods, Eyeless Jack, and Ticci Toby. "Boys," he said sternly, "This is Marcel and he'll be joining our team. Be nice to him or else."

Jeff crossed his arms, "Okay so the one with a huge ass tree in his chest is going to help us out?"

Slenderman raised Jeff with one of his tentacle arms and hissed at him. 

"Okay fine," Jeff snarled as he was put back to the ground again.

"N-nice to m-meet you I-I'm--"

I turned my head "You're Ticci Toby, I know." Slenderman slightly tilted his head in confusion and I continued, "I know all of you here. I've researched everything. You're all creepypastas."

Ben Drowned's jaw dropped, "Whoa really?"

"Yes," I said, "And you're Ben Drowned, Eyeless Jack, and Jeff." Eyeless Jack stood quietly as the dark liquid oozed out from his eye sockets. 

Ticci Toby added, "Why did you w-want t-to b-be one of u-us?" 

That question puzzled me for a second but then I made up an answer off the top of my head, "I want to kill Siren-head next."

Jeff growled as his eyes darkened, "You'll get killed."

"That's the point, right?" I asked him. But he then stayed quiet and shook his head and said, "None of us can kill him. He's practically invincible and stronger than all of us combined." 

"We'll then if I can't kill him, I'm going to tame him as one of my own."

Ben Drowned took a step closer, "You're going to do that for real?"

Slenderman hushed the crew and told them all to spread out, and they listened and left so it was only Slenderman and I. He spoke, "It's good having a Proxy like you, Marcel. You'd make a good leader someday if I taught you." 

My eyes sparkled in the hope of becoming a leader of Proxies one day in my lifetime. "That would be amazing!"

Then the both of us walked through the woods and spoke peacefully among ourselves...

Marcel (Fan-made Creepypasta oc story)Where stories live. Discover now