Chapter 11

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Y/n and Naruto finally made it towards the beach area

Shikamaru: Looks like the both of you have finally made it

Y/n: It took us a while but we were able to make it

Ino: Who are you?

Y/n points to his headband

Y/n: I am the Water Bearer, Y/n of the hidden cloud

Dan: Water Bearer?

Y/n looks towards the person in the seal

Y/n: Do you know anything about them, Hidden Leaf Shinobi?

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Y/n: Do you know anything about them, Hidden Leaf Shinobi?

Dan: Not so much...only that they appear once in a while in the hidden cloud. The markings are passed down from generation to generation...

Y/n: Interesting...

Darui: Looks like you were finally able to make it Y/n! Glad to see that you didn't miss the party

Y/n: Darui-san!

Y/n looks around

Y/n: I guess you guys had a lot of white Zetsu's. Some of them definitely pretended to be real people.

Samui: Y/n....Kun...?

Y/n turns as he sees Samui in one of the circles. He smiles and walks up to her

Y/n: <Smiles> Did you miss me?

Samui is holding back tears as he looks at the man that she loves

Samui: Idiot...

He smiles as he embraces her in a hug. The tears flowing down the monk robe that he is


Quick Announcement!!

I decided to give Samui a clan so that she can be more engraved into the story. And help out way more, because in the original she had absolute no use at all apart from being Fan-service! (to which we all loved)

So here it is:

Clan  Name: Hikarisora

-Electrokinetic Mastery
-Electrostatic Imbuement (So now she can use her lightning jutsus and stuff with her sword so she is more useful)
-Thunderstep (Only some members of this clan can use this technique. It will be given to her later)
-Static Armor (Again, only few members have this technique)
-Voltage Detection (Enhanced Sensory ability in a sense)

Clan Drawbacks: Excessive use of lightning-based techniques can lead to chakra depletion and exhaustion, making it crucial for users to manage their energy effectively.

So what do you guys think about it?
Now back to the story


Water Bearer (Naruto Shippuden x Male Reader) [On Hiatus] Where stories live. Discover now