Chaper 15

393 15 2

Y/n: Look this way!! Your opponents are us!

Naruto: Yeah!

Might Guy: And the Green beast of the leaf!

Kakashi: It looks as if the reanimation jutsu has been undone..

Y/n: Just leave the rest to us Itachi...we will fix this!

A tear runs down Y/n's eye as he sees Fuu's soul floating back up

Y/n: May you rest in piece...Fuu...

Y/n bows his head. He then looks back up again with anger as he tightens his headband

Y/n: Let's do this guys!!

Bee: Alright!!

Kakashi runs towards the husk of the ten tails

Kakashi: Lightning cable!!

Kakashi ties done the arm of the husk as he looks towards Guy

Kakashi: Guy!!

Might Guy: Pinky Attack!!

Might Guy in the sixth gate hits the husk of the ten tails on its toes as it groans in pain

Naruto & Bee: Hraaahh!!

Both Bee and Naruto upper cut the husk as it looks up into the air

Y/n: I've never really tried to use a chakra mode...but here goes!! Isobu!!

Isobu: Yeah! I've got you Y/n!

Y/n glows a blue colour

Y/n glows a blue colour

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Y/n: Haaaaahh!!!

Y/n decks the husk in the face as it gets sent back. Tobi is absolutely unfazed by this

Y/n: Hey Naruto!! I have the same mode as you!

Naruto smiles as he and Y/n fist bump

Y/n: What's wrong no name guy!! You never though that three jinchiriki would be beating your ass!!

Naruto: Yeah!! Why don't you take off that stupid mask so we can truly see your emotions

Y/n: Yeah!!

Guy: You tell him Naruto! Y/n!

Kakashi: You should never get your opponent to riled up..

Tobi: I guess I have no choice but to do this

Tobi puts his hands together as a gourd and a bottle come out of nowhere

Y/n: What are they supposed to do?

The husk grabs the things and eats them. It opens its eyes and starts to scream

Tobi: It's getting a bit late. I guess the perfect time is to do it now

Y/n looks as he sees the husk just grabbing its head

Y/n: that what I think it is?

Isobu: You are right Y/n...that is the ten tails' body right there..

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