Chapter - 10

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15 years ago 

Karthik: Hello. I'm Karthik 


Karthik: Hi Sheryl. This is Karthik. 


Karthik: So Shashwat shared your number.


Karthik: Hi 

He finally hit send. He did not want to mess up but was not sure what exactly to say to her. He fidgeted with his phone and waited for her reply. 

Suddenly the door of his room opened and his mom entered. 

"Karthik, always on the phone. We shouldn't have bought it for you. Come out of the room. Talk to us. Go out and play or read something" his mom admonished. 

"I'm done with board exams, CET, IIT-JEE, and all other exams you guys wanted me to take. What else is there to study?" Karthik asked. 

"I meant a book, a novel. Not study for exams. Come on. Come out. Let's watch TV" 

He was about to get up from the bed when his phone vibrated. 

"Throw that phone away" his mother shouted. 

"One minute Amma. I am talking about something important"

"To whom? What is so important?" 

"Umm. Shashwat. And about his admissions. Please give me five minutes." 

"Ok. You should be out of the room in five minutes. Or else, I'm never giving you money to recharge the phone." 

As his mother walked away, he nervously unlocked the phone. 

Sheryl: Hi Karthik. 

Karthik: How do u know it's me? 

Sheryl: Shashwat shared your number. Told me you'd text.

Karthik: So... how r u? 

Sheryl: I'm good. How are you? How were the exams? 

Karthik: I'm fine. Exams r done. That's all matters.  

Sheryl: Please. I know you are a topper. I'm sure you'll get a seat in a very good college. Engineering right? 

Karthik: Topper of my class. Not state or country. I messed up JEE and AIEEE. My hope's on CET. 

Sheryl: I'll pray for you then. :-) 

Karthik: Hey. Can we meet? 

Sheryl: Umm.. I can't. 

Karthik: Y?

Sheryl: Because I have to study. Bye. 


Karthik: Hi

Sheryl: Hey

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