Twists and Turns - Chapter 3

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The heated argument between my knight and her brother had started turning ugly. Their tempers flared, and it looked like they were about to tear each other apart. Just when it seemed like a full-blown fight was imminent, Haya stepped in and skillfully intervened, pulling her brother away.

"Bass na Bhai, he is a douche, don't spoil your mood because of him," she said as we found refuge in one of the empty classrooms.

Her brother, still seething, gulped down the water Haya handed him. I stood there awkwardly, unsure of how to react to the situation. Her brother was undeniably charming, with rugged good looks and an air of an angry young man. I couldn't help but feel a little infatuated.

As I was lost in my thoughts, my subconscious chimed in, reminding me, "Focus, Mehereen, stop crushing over your new friend's brother."

"Well, that's why friends have elder brothers, so you can crush on them," I responded to my subconscious in my mind.

I snapped back to reality as my subconscious urged me to thank her brother for helping me. "Thank you," I said softly, offering a genuine smile.

Her brother returned the smile and said, "That's absolutely alright."

He looked like a character straight out of a Wattpad story, but I quickly reminded myself not to let crushes or emotions get the better of me. I had promised my parents that I wouldn't let anything jeopardize their trust.

My chain of thought was interrupted as Haya grabbed my hand and started pulling me along. "Where are we going?" I asked, following her brother, who was leading us.

"To his music practice," Haya exclaimed with excitement. It seemed that because of the earlier fiasco, we were now skipping our class on the very first day.

The fact that her brother was into music too only added to my growing admiration. Me and Haya stumbled a bit as a guy hopped on our backs and placed his arms on our shoulders. It was none other than Haider.

"Be a human," Haya scolded him, pushing him onto me. I nearly lost my balance, but her Haider's strong grip on my shoulder prevented that.

"Missing classes on the very first day?" he asked as we took our seats in the auditorium.

"Your hands are heavy," I complained, feeling the weight of his biceps on my shoulder as I pushed it away

"You two are getting way too comfortable, aren't you?" Haya teased, but I chose to ignore her, and Haider simply rolled his eyes.

My focus shifted to the stage as her brother began tuning his guitar. I noticed a few girls scattered around the auditorium, clearly crushing on him, just like a Sarvajanik Crush on Aditya Roy Kapur.

As he started singing in his enchanting voice, I found myself utterly mesmerized. His performance was so captivating that I couldn't resist recording a few clips on my cell phone.

When he sang the last verse with a powerful high note, impressing all of us in the auditorium, the applause was loud. Caught up in the excitement, I couldn't help but whistle, drawing his attention. I quickly leaned back in my chair, trying to play it cool. He smiled and gracefully left the stage, while Haya filled Haider in on the earlier dramatic episode we had experienced.

"You sing beautifully," I complimented as he approached us.

"Thank you," he replied, accepting the compliment wholeheartedly.

"And once again, thank you for earlier," I expressed my gratitude.

"That was genuinely nothing, and if he bothers you again, call me directly or Haider. He won't bother you again, okay?" he assured.

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