Chapter nine: The Legend Begins

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Zarkon's face is pale and gaunt, his eyes closed and his breathing shallow. He lies motionless in the pod, hooked up to a variety of machines that are keeping him alive. Haggar stands over him, her face expressionless. She has been watching over him for months, ever since he was put in the coma. She is the only one who knows if he will ever wake up.

"Sire, forgive me for this, but ... I know no other way. Your empire needs you." Haggar said as she places her fingers on his temples, which begin to glow with dark purple magic.

And soon, distant memories of his past appear in her head. She saw him as a young boy, playing in the streets of his hometown. She saw him as a teenager, falling in love for the first time. She saw him as a young man, struggling to make his way in the world. And she saw him as the man he was now, standing before her, a stranger and yet somehow familiar.

She didn't know how she knew these things, but she knew them to be true. And as she looked into his eyes, she felt a connection to him that she had never felt with anyone else.

Into the bridge of the shrine of Lions, where the map is at full display and Pidge is marking coordinates.

"He fought us here, his generals were here, and he stole the portal here." Pidge explained, everyone gazing at the map.

Lance raised an eyebrow. "So Lotor could be anywhere."

"We'll never be able to find him unless we can figure out his plan," Shiro informed, his crossed arms resting on his chest. "We're totally missing the big picture."

"How about this question?" Pidge asked, gazing at the map. "Why did that portal take Shiro and Adam from another world? What's so special about it?"

Shiro shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe it's some kind of dimensional rift. Or maybe it's a portal to another dimension entirely."

"But why would it take them to another world?" Pidge asked. "What's so special about them?"

Shiro shook his head. "I don't know, Pidge. But I'm sure there's a reason."

Pidge frowned. "Well, we need to find out what that reason is. If we can figure out why they were taken, maybe we can find a way to get them back."

Shiro nodded. "I agree. We need to find out everything we can about that portal."

"But first things first you must know the origin." Romelle added.

"Its origin?" Shiro said.

"Yes I've been doing a lot of studying on the portal." Romelle said as she and the others headed to the library of the shrine, "I've learned that it's a very powerful artifact that can be used to travel to other worlds. But it's also very dangerous, and it's said that only the most skilled mages can use it safely."

"What are you hoping to find out about it?" asked Shiro.

"I want to know how it works," Romelle said. "And I want to know if it's possible to use it to travel to other dimensions."

"That sounds dangerous," said Lance.

"It is," Romelle agreed. "But I think it's worth the risk. If we can learn how to use the portal, it could open up a whole new world of possibilities."

They arrived at the library and Romelle went straight to the section on magic. She found a book on portals and started reading.

"What have you found out?" Keith asked after a while.

"Not much yet," Romelle said. "But it says that portals are created by powerful mages who use their magic to open a doorway between two worlds. The portal can only be used by the mage who created it, or by someone who has been given permission to use it."

The Samurai: An legendary Adventure tale, part 6Where stories live. Discover now