Chapter ten: Underground Operation

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After learning the story of Scarlett and the death giver, the team was determined to take down Lotor and the Galra Empire. But first, they had to deal with the storm that was blowing on Aurs.

In the shrine of Lions, at the monitoring station, Coran, Romelle, Shiro, and Keith were looking at the computer screen. The screen showed the destruction that the storm was causing.

"I hope there's no more damage to the city," Coran said. "And if the Empire takes advantage of this chance, we might be seeing an attack."

"I hope that Lance and the others are okay," Romelle said.

Shiro nodded. "We'll just have to wait and see."

The storm continued to rage, and the team could only hope that their friends were safe.

"This way." Lance shouted as he pointed people away from the storm.

As Hunk and Pidge are helping people away from the buildings, Pidge notices a little boy, clutching a dead rabbit.

"Take her, please." Pidge said as they were giving a girl to a lady, possibly her mother.

"Hey, if you don't get going, you'll be in danger!" They said to the boy.

"What do you care about?" The boy was shouting.

"Come again?" Pidge said.

"It's bad for my business if everyone leaves the city, what do I do if I can't sell rabbits?" The boy said.

"You can worry about that later," Pidge said. "Right now, you need to get out of here."

The boy looked at them for a moment, then nodded. "Okay," he said. "I'll go."

He turned and ran away, and Pidge and the woman watched him go. Then, they turned and ran in the opposite direction, away from the storm.

As they went into the forest, looking for more people, Pidge found herself caught in a bear trap. She screamed in pain as the trap closed around her leg, her foot throbbing and her ankle swelling. Just then, the boy from before arrived with a stick.

" to...?" Pidge said, her voice shaking with fear.

Before he answers, the boy uses the stick to unleash the trap, freeing her. Pidge's leg is bruised and bleeding, but she is grateful to be free.

"Thank you," she says to the boy.

"You're welcome," he says. "I'm glad I could help."

Pidge and the boy introduce themselves, and they continue on their way, as the boy is planning to fix Pidge up at his place.

"I'm Pidge." Pidge Introduction.

"Cool, My name is Zayz." The boy Introduction.

"Ok, thanks, Zayz." Pidge said.

"Wh-what the..." Pidge said as she saw a dead wild pig in any exact same trap.

"Who the hell set these traps?" Zayz said.

"Over there too." Pidge said.

Just then, the bushes wrestled, alerting Pidge.

"Hide!" She said, as she took Zayz into the bushes.

"Hey, we caught something." One of the trappers as they revealed themselves to be Galra.

"What in the world's The Galra up to?" Pidge said as she started to follow them however the pain of her foot caught up to her.

"Pidge, are you okay?" Zayz asked.

"I'm fine," Pidge said, but she knew she wasn't. Her foot was throbbing and she was starting to feel lightheaded.

The Samurai: An legendary Adventure tale, part 6Where stories live. Discover now