i. extended description

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Matt pulled on his sleeve.

"You're depressed."

Those two words never meant much to him. Everyone was sad. Everyone felt sad. But cripplingly sad -- sad enough to sit around, pour his cereal without any motivation to eat, and pull that shirt over his head in the mornings -- probably should have been an obvious sign that there was a mishap in his brain. Or, as his mother said, everyone was screwed up in the brain but only those crazy enough actually showed it. Or, something like that.

"I don't think so, doc."

"Why so?"

"Don't you think, y'know," Matt shrugged, the worn sleeves on his oversized sweater bunching up in his fists, "everyone's depressed? If you can even call it that. Doesn't everyone feel?"

"Sure, people feel," The doctor peered out of his rimless glasses. Matt looked up. "But sometimes people feel much more than others. And sometimes that feeling sticks around too long."

"But what's too long?"


INSPIRED BY: somewhat of an idea i had while thinking about "deadly nightshade" and reading "Somewhere in Neverland" by thegrandpineapple (seriously, if you haven't read that book or anything by kelly, she's amazing. highly, highly recommend since her writing is SO good) at the same time.... and well, here we are lol

COVER BY: the fabulous @/demonologies



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. copyright © 2015 NightNoises

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