Chapter 1 (p1)

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Waking up from the announcement alarm that Kumaneko did. I stood up as I felt my head throbbing, I couldn't sleep properly because of that letter last night. I looked to see silvered looking weapons on my desk. "What the?"

I stood up and stared at it. It has a sticky note on it saying "enjoy this little gift!" I ripped off the sticky note and threw it into the trash. That little.... I sighed as I kept myself focused. But that letter was stuck in my head. I groaned as I just took the weapons and threw it to the surveillance camera which somehow broke. A ring can be heard as Kumaneko yelled. "CIELO. I SAW WHAT YOU DID!!! DON'T ACT SMART THINKING YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH THAT!!!" The speaker then shut down as Cielo just sighed and left his room. He went to their usual meeting spot as he sat down. "What was that announcement about?" Isaac asked. "I.. broke the camera in my room... but it'll get replaced.. probably..." Everyone sighed Cielo stood up and sat next to Kuro instead. "So.. did anybody get a letter last night..?" Amai asked, everyone nodded. "What and why did Kumaneko do this to us? What does he need from us to hurt our.. love ones..?" Kyokou sobbed as she held the letter tight. Koharu comforted her. "Guys.. don't pour your heart and mind for this. This is just some motive for us to kill somebody.. It's a lie!" Tyler tried cheering up the gloomy atmosphere surrounding the room. "As much I want to agree. This is Kumaneko we're talking about.. He literally almost got Amai killed by exploding. Luckily if Haruki didn't notice one of us would have been dead. As much I don't want to admit, our families or love ones might be in danger." Everyone went quiet after hearing Chenshi's words, they were all so lost in their thoughts. "AH FUCK." Everyone looked at Yoshi who was rubbing his head, stressing out. "IS THERE ATLEAST ANYWAY THAN KILLING EACHOTHER? I CAN'T BARE WITH THIS!" Yoshi's voice cracked.

Satoshi tried calming Yoshi down. But Yoshi budged as he punched Satoshi on the face. Due to the force, blood streamed down from Satoshi's nose as he wiped it off. Koharu and Kaitou came running as they both helped Satoshi stand up. "YOSHI, WHAT THE FUCK." Ashi yelled as Yoshi just looked down. Processing what he had just done. "Oh my? Trying to kill eachother already?" Merlain let out a soft chuckle. "Can you shut up?! Why are you so calm in a situation like this? Come to think of it YOU never helped any of us with finding clues on how to leave this school." Amai pointed at Merlain who was just twirling her hair around. "Maybe I don't care about any of your wills?" She added. Amai controlled her anger as she sat down while isaac comforted her.

"We shouldn't fight especially in a situation we're in right now. Though thinking about it hurts especially how we don't have any communication services to contact the outside world."

"Wait, come to think of it. Ashi, aren't you an inventor?" Cielo looked at Ashi. "Yeah, why?"

"Maybe you can help us all by making a communication gadget for the outside world. That way we might know if people we know are okay.."

"That won't be necessary!" Everyone looked to see Kumaneko, choking a salmon with his paws. "I blocked every signal and communication system in this platform! Even the outside world wouldn't even reach inside the school. So whatever you guys are plotting, it's pointless."

Everyone grit their teeth. Some of them clenching their fist due to anger. "Like I said before. If you guys are so eager to leave then you have to kill eachother! Do I have to repeat myself hm?"

"Can you shut up!? Are you doing this to us for your own satisfication?! What is wrong with you and whoever is behind this...!" Koharu yelled, She was about to launch towards Kumaneko but was then stopped by Kaitou. "Don't. The same thing that happened a few days ago may happen to you too if you touch him." Koharu looked at him and fell onto the floor, feeling defeated. Everyone felt bad. Kumaneko left the scene, leaving all 16 students devastated. They all decided to mind their own business. Cielo decided to go to the library which was recently opened. It was hot in there so took off his jacket and layed it on the table. He found a phone which wasn't opening. He did found a portable mp3 player. He took it and found an earphone plugged into it. Cielo was about to wear the earphones but was then suddenly cut off by Haruki. "What are you doing?" Haruki asked Cielo who was holding the mp3 player. "O-oh.. uhm.. I was just looking for things.. and I just somehow found this." Cielo showed the mp3 player, Haruki just shrugged it off. Cielo wore the earphones as he listened. It was playing a calming music. He decided to keep listening to it for awhile as he find some books that may help them find a clue. He started reading some books, he then felt eyes on him again. He looked to see Haruki looking at him again. Haruki looked away as fast as he could, thinking Cielo didn't see him.

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