The start

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Once upon a time in a small, picturesque town named Shounoshi, there lived a young spunky with a fit body, long pigtailed pink hair girl named Junko. She was a charming and free-spirited person known for her creativity, but she longed for something more, something extraordinary.

One sunny afternoon, while Juunko was investigating something in the local park, she noticed a mysterious shadow she focused her eyes to notice a man sitting on a nearby bench. He had such an air of mystery about him, his eyes concealed behind dark sunglasses. Intrigued Juunko watched over him for a while as she continued her business, watching how the man would act.
She didn't know what was about him... was he suspicious? Odd? Hot? All of the above?

She had to walk up to him and stir the pot! Yes strike up a conversation, she bounced and chirped with such spunk over to the mysterious aura of a man noticing more and more of his features, his strangely colored hair, his remarkable scar. She stood with confidence applying her soft hands onto her waist looking down at the male.

"Hey, names Junko" she said, offering a warm yet confident smile. Yes, she did feel shy underneath her confidence but she did not sweat or show it.

The man removed his sunglasses and revealed such deep, soulful eyes yet also revealed two shades of color, beautiful brown and blue.
"Call me Todoroki princess." he replied to the confident spunky girl.

Junko was caught by surprise by his enigmatic personality, their connection was instant. They spent the entire day talking about art, dreams, hobbies, and overall just the beauty of life.As the sun set they parted ways, they forgot to ask for each other's contact.Junko got home and realized she didn't have his number she sighed as she looked outside and thought to herself "Will I ever see him again..?" she wondered closing her eyes and soon closing the blinds to her window.

A love Ignited a passionate story of romance. Todorki and JunkoUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum