I will always protect you...

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As they confronted this attacker, a thrilling chase through the labyrinthine streets of Shounoshi ensued. Junko and Todorki's hearts raced as they pursued the mysterious assailant who somehow escaped his fiery fist.

she shouted to Todoroki "What was that fire?!" as she held onto her hands looking around in awe, the male managed to say something "I'll explain later! Be behind me he is getting away!"

They pursued the man as they noticed he had stolen something valuable from that innocent citizen and it seemed like he had stolen more items.

With their determination, Todoroki didn't notice he had stolen anything but Junko made sure he knew using her ability to analyze all her surroundings at superhuman speed.
Todorki got angrier as they managed to corner the thief, revealing it was part of a larger theft ring.

More people surrounded them as Junko yelled "Todo! There's more of them!"
Todorki yelled in anger as soon he showed his ice and fire abilities Junko didn't believe it, what was happening!?

She screamed and ducked down as she covered her body in a way to protect herself, but she was already protected.. By him.

As soon as everything got quiet, the crickets were heard she shivered as she curled in a ball.

Todoroki looked around and held Juunko "Baby it's okay, I will always protect you."

She gasped looking at him as she shook "But what... was all that?" as she looked at him eyes shaking in fear as soon she got pulled in for a hug

Todoroki confessed to everything, he had never told her such stories, or why his face looked like that, how he could control fire and ice, as soon he laughed it off and picked up the stolen goods "Let us return these..."

Junko was amazed by his bravery and story, and despite the initial shock, she realized that she had fallen in love with a hero.

The small town of Shounoshi was forever changed by the events of that night, As not only did they stop one crime but stopped something much deeper than just some robbery of an innocent bystander.

Junko and Todorki's love story took on a new dimension. They continued to share their passion for soba but now they shared a deep bond forged in the crucible of danger and excitement.

As they looked at the stars that night, they shall never forget. Their love story became a tale of romance and thrilling escapades, providing that love could blossom even more in the most unexpected and exhilarating circumstances.

Terry the mayor of the Shounoshi village soon granted them the big wedding they deserved for protecting their village from such a huge crime that investigators couldn't crack. Thanks to this thrilling adventure of romance helping them solve more.

They lived an exciting rest of their lives together,
The end.

A love Ignited a passionate story of romance. Todorki and JunkoWhere stories live. Discover now