Chapter: XVI

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As we entered the throne room, I noticed that the door frame thingy wasn't there. It probably was put somewhere else for other uses. Something told me I don't want to see what it was used for. I looked over at the king, looking for that grim expression. But it wasn't there. He was actually frowning!

We were dragged to the middle of the room, and dropped. We were unfrozen, and the doors to the room were closed. When they did, the king spoke up.

"Since they are of no use to me, he have to release them." He said.

I think I could almost hear everyone's jaw hit the floor.

"S-sir? Are-are you ok?" asked a guard.

"And, with their things. They are of no use to us."


"NOW!!" Yelled the king.

The guards scrambled over to me and Penelope, and froze us. Then, I heard someone mutter a spell. For some reason, the spell was not familiar. I looked around, and noticed that I was getting dizzy. I fought for control over my mind, but I was just too tired. Soon, I fell asleep.


I woke to a loud boom. I shot open my eyes, and I looked around. I was on a gravel ground, on the side of the Red mountain. The sky was bright, so it obviously was morning. I got up, and looked around. I couldn't find Penelope.

"PENELOPE!" I yelled out.

"Don't worry, James. You'll find her soon." said someone behind me.

I spun around, and I unsheathed my sword. A tall man with white robes was standing there, with his arms behind his back. He was obviously old, maybe in his 50s, and he had a bright smile on his face. He also had a pole for a walking stick in the ground in front of him.

I lowered my sword, and I said, "Who are you?"

The man rolled his eyes, and said, "The question everyone asks."

"Where's Penelope?" I asked, quickly bringing my sword back up.

"Like I said, you will find her soon." said the man.

"Where. Is. She." I growled.

"Wait for it-"

There was a yell that sounded like Penelope's.

"PENELOPE!" I yelled, running toward the voice.

"Hold up, hold up." said the man, grabbing onto my shoulder.

I swung my sword toward his arm, but my sword stopped a few inches above the man's arm. I cursed, and I tried to get out of his grip. He didn't ever let go. Soon, he spun me around so I was facing him.

"Now, I have little time to explain this, but listen, you need to go to the Gernun Mountains." He said.

"And why would I need to do that?"

The man stared me in the eye, and said, "Because if you don't, you're going to have a miserable life. Starting soon." said the man.

"So I should just listen to this random stranger-"


I stared. "Ok, so where's Penelope?" I asked.

"You better go look." said the man.

He let go, and picked up his stick.

"Go!" he said.

I started to run toward where I thought Penelope was. I sheathed my sword on the way. I looked back quickly to find the man gone. I looked back to what I was doing. Penelope should be a right around this bend...

"JAMES!" said a voice right around the bend.

I ran around it, and I found Penelope cornered by a Demon. I took out my sword, and I ran toward the man. He turned around just in time to see my sword. He suddenly fell down, and sank into the ground. I sheathed my sword, and I ran to Penelope.

"Are you ok?" I asked her.

She nodded, then I said, "Ok, we're going to Gernun. Got it?" I asked.

She nodded again.

"Ok, let's go!" I said hurriedly, helping her up.

I started to run when I heard a loud rumbling.

"The doors! They're opening!" said Penelope.

"We better run faster, then!" I said, grabbing Penelope's hand.

We basically flew across the ground as we went down the mountain. I could hear the Demons behind us as they shouted at others where we are. I never looked back, I just kept on running.

When we got to the base of the mountain, I looked back. The demons were close.

"Ok, ready?" I asked.


A vast desert was in front of us, going as far as the eye can see. The sand was reddish at the base of the mountain, but further on, it started to get a yellowish tint. The desert was called the Red Desert, because of its red sand. Most people think it has red sand because of it starting at the base of the Red Mountain. But, it was red for other reasons, I know that. Mostly no one made it across alive, but in our case, we will. I hoped.

I looked at Penelope, nodded, then we started to run for our lives. Quite literally.

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