Love at first site

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Ippan POV is a very tall, fox-like woman with a thick figure. She has blonde hair that just reaches her shoulders, a single strand of which goes down the right side of her face. She has large blue eyes with bushy eyelashes and pointed ears, along with green fur and a white furry underbelly, In terms of attire, she wears an orange buttoned-up shirt with yellow-orange buttons and pockets on both sides of her chest, as well as black pants with a yellow-orange belt. She wears a wristband of the same color on both of her arms, along with an orange headband that seems to resemble a pair of earmuffs. She also wears orange and cream colored slip-on shoes.

"My name is Ippan. I'm 15. I'm also known as ordinary girl from what people call me?" Ippan narrates as I hold a piece of paper that shows she is disowned by her parents a tear goes down my cheek as i wipes it and forms a sad smile before a power force of wind hit me i look down to see a boy punching a large person as even more wind comes from the boys punches with yellow electricity coming out of him from what it looks like but what caught my attention is the beauty of the large ones glowing green eyes

I slowly walk down the stairs and climb and hide behind the scraps i look at his pretty feathers and handsome body but still i stare at his glowing green eyes i step a little closer but i trip on a unstable scrap i fall towards the ground but i don't meet it but large soft hands i open my eyes to see the large person (he had to use two hands just to hold her she is 9.10 feet tall Asmodeus is 18.3 lowering it down to 16.3) "are you okay?" he says my face turns red "y-yes i'm fine?" I say as I slide off his hands "thanks?" i say, still blushing before I fall on the ground holding my crooked ankle "oh are you okay?!" He says going to my ankle "Is she okay izuku?" the yellow haired boy says "she's okay Mirio just a sprained ankle" Izuku says as he says turning to face me "we should get her to the doctor?" Mirio says "I know I'll be right back follow me?" He says as he snaps his fingers as a flame like portal opens "come on jump in my hands so you don't have to hurt yourself more, beautifu-!" He says stopping as his feathers turn red, as i turn red "uhh just get in my hands... oh that's embarrassing." he says as i climb in his palms as he carries me through the portal

Izuku POV

In the doctor's office
As I sit there ducking as much as I can sitting on the ground, with Ippan sitting on a chair with a small cast on her ankle "so how much is it doctor?" I ask "oh yes luckily it's not too bad just a tiny sprain it will only cost about 50$?" the doctor says "oh thank god let me grab my wallet?" As I move my arm to my pocket knocking over a lamp I pull my wallet with a nervous smile "here?" i said holding a 100 dollar "good here's your 50 dollars and you may go?" He says before I lend a hand to Ippan we both give a small blush before she grabs my hand about half the size of my palm and we walk out.

Outside the hospital
We sat on a large bench big enough for the both of us "so do you have anyone waiting for you at home?" i ask "oh... no" she says with her ears flopping down "is it okay if i ask what happened?" I said with a worried look on my face "well i was kicked out?" she says handing a paper to me. I read it over as anger filled me and my feathers turned to flames "hey it's okay i just need to find somewhere to live plus it's a good thing they were really greedy people?"she says before i got an idea "uhh you could live with me and my mom i'm sure she'll take you in?" i say as her eyes lighten up "really you would do that?" she says "yeah it's the least i could do?" I say before she hugs my arm before two old people walk by "aww young love is so beautiful?" The lady says before Ippan and I turned red I was the first to snap out of it "here let's get you to the house?" i say standing up and kneeling down holding out my hand she hesitates for a seconds before grabbing my hand as we walk to my house

To be continued

Asmodeus Deku (discontinued sorry)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora