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Dying was not as romantic as I had imagined. Especially when the vampire I became fascinated with ripped my throat out... the bastard!

'Please come out tonight, it will be fun,' Callie had said.

What she had failed to tell me was her Twilight obsession had surpassed fanfiction and cardboard cut outs of Edward Cullen. She had joined various online forums, attended freaky parties and was convinced a group of major weirdo's were real vamps, all because they had kinky sex and drank each other's blood... in reality they all got wasted on drink, pills and whatever else they could get their hands on. They never came out in the daylight as they were too hung-over to face it!

She could have told me all of that very important information before we went to the 'bloodletting party' but no, it was a 'surprise'. It was the shittest surprise in the history of creation.

Only she could meet a Vampire named Tony... I mean who the hell would name a vampire Tony. Surely in your second life you would rename yourself something cool or vintage so you would sound older and sexier, like Lestate, Edward... even Dracula! But no, Tony... fricking Tony... gah!

'This is my boyfriend Tony, he's a vampire,' haha... I mean seriously, that is the kind of thing to make anyone snort with laughter while thinking 'What a dickhead'.

The first time I met Tony I fought against the urge to laugh at his spray tan. His snakeskin shoes and 'oh too tight' jeans. His hair gelled back in a widows peek made me cringe, and wonder what the hell she found attractive in him.

I figured he must have a massive cock or an acrobatic tongue... or both. I mean they fucked a lot... like all the time. There wasn't a night he stayed over where I wasn't woken by a dawn chorus of groaning, panting, spring squeaking, headboard banging, orgasmic sex. My girlie bits were jealous.

They wanted a good seeing to like Callie's. Instead they were gathering dust, like the curtains on a theatre that had been closed down as no one wanted a ticket to the show. Hell even I wasn't interested in seeing it! Now it felt like there was an invisible sign hanging from it 'Future Performances cancelled until further notice'.

So there I was, months later, being dragged out to socialise instead of staying in and doing my assignment like a good little student. Being hauled along to a party to meet an abundance of weirdo's with a fetish for all things bloody. Had I known what would happen to my life as a consequence, I would have stayed home... hell I would have made sure I was on the Mars expedition with no return to Earth! Anything to avoid becoming obsessed with him.

Him...who I didn't even like that much, but for some strange reason I couldn't stop thinking about, dreaming about, and yes, fantasying about him.

God damn you Asher! You sexy Bastard... I hate you! I hate you to death! (In reality I loved you to death... literally)

And so my sucky story begins.... (pun intended)

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