Chapter 2

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"Hey babe," Tony leant forward to kiss Callie as I took a seat next to some other girls who looked equally impressed at our ride. Stretch limo, champagne and strawberries... I was enjoying myself already.

"I talked Amelia into coming, we have to show her a good time," Callie beamed as she stared at him with eyes as wide a saucers. She was definitely in love and he seemed quite enamoured with her. It didn't stop him from keeping a hand on the knee of the girl beside him. I knew he and Callie had an open relationship but still my heart stung for her, as I knew she was only putting up with it because she didn't want to lose him. Sharing him was better than nothing at all and most of the time it was just the two of them, he just liked to swing occasionally.

Callie set about introducing me to everyone and whilst they were all lovely I was disappointed that Asher wasn't there. He hadn't been seen since the night before when he left with one of the other girls. Great he was off the table then. My heart sighed with disappointment. My Captain America fantasy would have to remain just that... a fantasy.

The club was amazing, so dark that unless you were stood at the bar, next to the neon lights you wouldn't be able to see your hand in front of your face. The ambience of the trance music suited the setting, as did the funky cocktails that were replaced one after the other at no charge. I'd hit the jackpot of student nights out.

"This is amazing," I called over the sound of the music to Callie.

"I told you!" she was feeling pretty smug. "I'm sorry Asher isn't here. I know you were secretly hoping to see him."

I nodded and sighed 'Captain America' with disappointment.

"He is over there," Tony nodded into the darkness.

I squinted. "You must have the senses of a bat, how can you tell he is over there in this light?"

Tony threw his head back and laughed with a few of the others. "Asher, come meet Callie's friend, she is a delight and very keen to meet you," he said into the darkness at normal volume but it didn't stop me turning to look in the direction he spoke.

Staring into the darkness, I caught a glimpse of something. As it became clearer I realised it was a man walking towards us. Every step made him more visible. My mouth hung open as I watched him approached. My Captain America dream crumbled and was replaced with 'Asher'.

"Breathe," Callie called over my shoulder.

My eyes were transfixed with the confident walk of the man approaching us. He put catwalk models to shame and was cool with it. It wasn't forced, he just had a swagger about him that was hypnotic. Not forgetting the features of his face that were getting clearer all the time, and those penetrating eyes had mine locked. Get a grip... get a gripppppp! Come on you are staring, drooling even... stop it. I summoned all my strength to turn and face Callie. When I did, everyone looked stunned.

"I need to use the bathroom," I clawed onto the handrail of the bar and followed the neon sign for the toilet. Banging the door open as I fell through it. The brightness of the light blinding me. I stumbled towards the sink and splashed water on my face. I didn't care if it spoilt my make-up. I was burning up, my heart racing... I needed to go home.

"Are you ok?" Callie asked behind me.

"I don't feel well all of a sudden. I need to go home," I wet some paper towels to press against my neck.

"You're ok. You just got worked up seeing Asher."

"Worked up, I nearly fainted. He is..." I couldn't think of a word to describe him.

Callie laughed. "He is waiting to meet you."

"God no," that was the last thing I wanted. I felt ill. "I'm sorry but I just don't feel well. If I go out there I might puke on him or something."

"How about I get you a glass of water and we see how you feel after that?"

I was dying of thirst and she had been to all this trouble. I nodded.

"I'll be back in a sec. Try putting your head between your legs, it might help," she suggested before adding. "Just don't picture his there or you will be in real trouble."

"Bitch," I called after her as walked off laughing and went to fetch my drink.

Looking at my flushed reflection in the mirror confirmed I was too hot. I wet more towels to hold on my neck. Closing my eyes to try to regain my composure, before facing everyone outside. It didn't help, I began to fantasise about Asher's hand sliding around my waist. His hand gliding up between my breasts, tilting my head back to allow him to caress my throat... as his lips found mine I realised it wasn't a fantasy. My eyes shot open. I pulled away, mouth gaping open as my eyes took in every detail.

His light brown hair, tousled to perfection. Green eyes with the hint of something mysterious in them. Cheek bones to die for and lips that made Ollie's pale in significance. A white shirt, open at the neck, revealing the promise of a hairy chest to run my fingers through. Black belt resting on his toned stomach and hips, allowing his perfectly tailored trousers to hang perfectly all the way to his expensive shiny shoes.

"Erm... I..." I looked at him all confused. He just smiled. Wow, what a smile. I covered my eyes.

His laughter rang out making me realise I was now hiding behind my hand like a complete fool. What the hell was I doing?

"Oh god," I let out a few deep breaths.

"Are you ok?" his voice, deep and rich, sending shivers down my spine.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude. I need to go home," I turned to grab my purse off the side. "I'm not feeling very well."

"I would prefer you to stay if you don't mind."

Yeah, sure I can stay, I thought but my head was swimming. I couldn't stay in this state. "I'm sorry I can't..." I made a move towards the door.

He sidestepped to block me. His hand grasping my chin, moving it so I had no option but to meet his gaze. Truth be known I was desperate to look at him again, I didn't care how ill I felt.

"I asked you to stay. I would like to spend time with you this evening. You wouldn't want to upset me now, would you?"

I tried to shake my head as I stared at him. I was drunk on whatever it was about him. It turned me into a zombie.

"Very good," he whispered as his lips found mine again. The pressure, the taste, the teasing of his tongue with mine... his hand slid up the side of my dress as he pushed us against the sink unit. Lifting me with ease as he moved those amazing hips between my legs. I couldn't get enough of him, my hands in his hair, clawing his backside to get pull him closer. Slipping forward as he moved my legs from around his waist and on his shoulders. His hands clawed my underwear down shaking thighs and off my high heels.

The door banged open, "Asher, quickly," Tony called his eyes full of concern. Asher rushed off leaving me to fall off the side like a drunk.

What the hell was going on? And what the hell was I just about to do, sleep with a guy I literally just met. Go home Amelia, you're drunk. And with that I snuck off home, praying my vibrator still had enough power to finish off what Asher had started.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2016 ⏰

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