Chapter 1

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The night my soul fell in love without my permission!

"Come on, Amelia. It will be a brilliant night out. I've been to several of these parties and never came home without a smile on my face and a man in my knickers."

"I have an assignment to do. I don't have time for a party, let alone casual sex and a hang-over," I was not in the mood for Callie's nagging. I desperately wanted to go out but had other priorities.

That was until my sex deprived mind flicked to the fact the batteries were running low on my vibrator. I tried to reason with my wild side, 'with a bit of luck they would last until the end of the month' when I could afford some new ones. 'I didn't need to go find some random willy to play with'... even though I missed the weight of a man on top of me and the pounding of his hips against mine.... damn I was subconsciously talking myself into it, all for the sake of a quick poke.

"I can see the sexual frustration on your face. You want some no strings nookie, just for one night, and I know where you can get it. You haven't been out in months. Remember when you finished with Jeff, you said you were going to 'fuck around a bit. Why should men have all the fun?' Instead you have become a nun. You should be buying Anal Beads not Rosary."

"Oiiii!" my catholic upbringing didn't take to kindly to her crudeness. I wasn't a practicing catholic but still, it was disrespectful to nuns and the Rosary, so I fixed her with a steely glare like my mother would.

"If you don't do it for yourself, do it for your ovaries, the poor things must think your dead," Callie combed her black bobbed hair into style, to match her flapper outfit. Her doe brown eyes highlighted perfectly with makeup and pouting lips to match. She looked stunning. Grrr!

I can't believe she used to Jeff Card. The biggest waste of space on the planet.

I was still angry with myself for wasting two years of my life on that twat. All he was interested in was a place to stay, rent free, and a dumb as fuck girlfriend (me) to let him get away with murder. I was too caught up in being a mature student to read the tell-tale signs that he was a cheating bastard.

I was attending lectures, working behind bars and on placement. I didn't want to waste my study time and fail my course. I was too intent on securing a good placement in my second year, as the first one had been horrendous.

Now I was in my third and ready to finish my degree. I needed a 2:1 to secure a job where I could be trained, shadow a lawyer and watch them kick ass or defend one. Not just sitting in a court reading papers as a student. In hindsight there was never any Jeff in my future plans, but that is no excuse for his dicking around.

Discovering Jeff was shagging anything with tits and a pulse, behind my back was a disappointment to say the least. Yes I was pissed off but I was also relieved, as it gave me the excuse I had been looking for to call things off and kick him out. I hadn't realised at the time that I had wanted to end it but within a week of showing him the door, my bedroom was given an overhaul, which never would have happened with him there to moan that it was too girlie to go in 'our' room. Gone was the neutral colours of a coupley relationship... the hideous brown, beige, sky blue or greys that are depressing and have no personality, much like Jeff.

Now my bedroom was white, pinks, creams and turquoise. Shabby Chic became my new obsession. I loved my bedroom so much now that I never wanted to leave it. I wanted to tuck myself up in bed with a good book and a cup of coco. Something I never got to do with Jeff the bedtime farter.

With him I had to pull the covers tight around my neck in fear of his arsehole sounding off like a klaxon, warning that a poisonous gas had escaped and was making its way towards me! He would waft it over whilst choking on his own stench, saying 'Oh god that is rotten. Get a load of that!' Now it was scented candles and clean bed sheets. Sheets that didn't lose their fresh smell the minute his bum hole touched them. No amount of Lenor could compete with that. God help his new girlfriend, if he had one. I hope she learnt to suppress her gag reflex as strongly as I did. I was so happy to be rid of him.

"Oiii, are you listening to me?" Callie snapped me out of my 'Jeff is dick,' daydream.

"Sorry, you mentioned Jeff. I was mentally high fiving myself for dumping him."

"You should count yourself lucky he didn't give you a dose of something," she grimaced at the thought and so did I. "I'm still reeling that you had the balls to sleep with his mate Oliver after all that. He was hot though and judging by the sounds coming out of your bedroom, he wasn't a wasted rebound."

I sighed and flopped onto the sofa, Ollie had been the prefect rebound. Jeff always felt inadequate next to him.

His tanned skin made his blue eyes stand out more and his wide smiling lips were inviting to all who saw them. Jeff hated the fact that Ollie had the ladies flocking to him. That drove Jeff mad, and in hindsight I knew why... they were in competition with each other. Jeff was sleeping with those Ollie left behind or occasionally managed to chat up before him.

Sleeping with Ollie had been a spur of the moment thing. Callie and I were out and bumped into him and some of his friends. He told me Jeff was an idiot for cheating on me as I had a great ass. Flirting quickly led to fucking.

I had something to prove, as I knew Jeff would find out. So I made sure I did something I refused to with Jeff, no matter how much he begged... yep anal. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I actually found it a real turn on and quickly ensured one of my new toys was dual purpose. Toys were another thing Ollie found fun for both of us. Jeff always disliked that I had a vibrator 'What do you need that for when you have me?' I was too polite to give him and honest answer.

Ollie on the other hand was a pro with them. He taught me a few tricks. It was definitely the most experimental, care free sex I'd ever had. A text from Jeff three days later calling me a slag, made me laugh with pride.

"Come on, snap out of reminiscing on your old sexcapade and make a new one. Tony has friends and they are all hot. There is 'Oz' who has long blonde hair and a leather clad ass. 'Trent' is the cutest Chinese Asian guy you will meet. He pulls every week without fail and looks like a great kisser. You could just snog him. Just use his lips!"

My lips tingled with excitement. I had been out of the game too long.

"Oooo and Asher, he has light brown hair and reminds me of the Chris bloke you fancy off that American thingy."

"Captain America."

"Yes him, the one that bursts into flames."

"The Human Torch."

"Yep. He is like him but hotter. Ok, he broods a lot, but that is because girls are throwing themselves at him and he finds it tiresome..."

"Twat," I tutted, not liking the sound of him at all.

"He is not full of himself. He is confident but gets bored easily. He just wants the same as you, no strings."

I could understand that.

"So come on, get dressed. Tony will be here in 20 minutes. We get in for free and I have never paid for a drink, so don't give me that bull about not being able to afford it. Wear that lace black dress. I'll come curl your hair in a minute."

I was too intrigued by all these sexy men to argue so hurried off to shower and slipped into the lace dress I brought in the sale last year but never wore.

"Wow, that dress is gorgeous. I am so borrowing that one night," Callie gave me the seal of approval before curling my honey toned hair into loose sexy swirls and added some more make up to help my hazel eyes stand out like hers.

By the time the car beeped I was so excited I couldn't stop myself grinning from ear to ear. When I realised we were going to be chauffer driven I was like the cat that got the cream. Purrrrrrrr!

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