Chapter 14 - blast from the past.

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Onyx and Gwen were sat in Gwen's parent's car, the car was silent. The drive was awkward. "So, I haven't seen Jake in a while." onyx stated as her sword rested on her lap. "He's been fine. Apparently, his city has been having something going on. He wouldn't tell me what" jill turned around and saw onyx having the sword resting on her lap. "Did you have to bring the sword?"

"It's my main accessory, besides you never know what we'll find."

"Hopefully not any more of those monsters." David responded.

"Displaced, and not all of them are monsters. Like, say the bat girl." onyx continued as she opened up her phone. "Bat girl?" onyx shoed Gwen who gave onyx a look she knew too well. "We're not even going to give you the idea of asking her out."

"Why not?"

"Because she's a displaced and going to go back to her home dimension at some point."

"Aren't you a displaced?" Gwen asked. It was a question Gwen had been avoiding and as soon as they arrived at Gwen's cousin's city. The pair stepped out and jill rolled down her window. "We'll be back at six. You sure he said to meet you guys here?"


"All right, have fun. And don't go cutting someone on two."

"No promises." onyx responded before seeing Jill's death glare. "Yes mam. I was just joking around. It's just protection."

"You don't need to call me mam."

"I do when you give the jill Davis Death Glare." jill just raised her window and the parents drove off. Gwen message Jake and she almost immediately got a message back. She began running and onyx caught up in no time before deactivating her super speed. "Why are we running?" she asked as she crashed into someone. As onyx shook her head and leaped back to her feet she tried to apologies to the woman, she wasn't really seeing clearly, the woman's response, however, wasn't what she was expecting. "It really is you." the woman said giving onyx a tight hug. Onyx's vision started to come back from the bonk, and she saw that the woman was wearing a sky-blue tank top and jeans shorts, her hair was sky blue, and her skin was a bright white. "Do you remember me?" the woman asked stepping back and trying to stifle her excitement. "Wait." she pulled out her phone and opened up the picture of her friends that's when Jake ran over and began to sign something over to Gwen. "No way, this is the pearl you were talking about?" Gwen asked as onyx finally knew she wasn't just putting together random things. "But you're..." pearl cut her off.

"Yeah, funny story but Jakes already filled me in on a lot of your time here. Until a few months ago anyway when Gwen stopped talking to him." pearl said glancing over at Gwen.

"In my defence, my girlfriend had left town, and I wasn't dealing with it right and then your facto in midterms and all that and..." Jake just hugged her signing that it was ok, and that he was sorry to hear about the destruction to midtown. "Oh yeah right, that destruction." onyx said nervous. "It as diamond, wasn't it?"

"Well, when he was around..."

"I'm so sorry to hear that." onyx shook her head.

"Just letting you know. And yes, I'm working through it properly." Gwen then leaned over to onyx's ear. "You think Beth knows about this?"

"I don't think she's left midtown." onyx responded as pearl also leaned in.

"Whose Beth?" onyx leaped back with her sword drawn. Pearl walked over and inspected it. She was curious to see her with a sword. "A sword huh? You used to have a shield. And wear this gey dress. I guess things change." she said giving it a shrug.

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