Chapter 25: Livia

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Gazing up at the ceiling, she felt completely lost in thought, her mind reverberating with the day's events. She was trying desperately to make sense of all that had unfolded and figure out what her feelings should be and what truths she should believe. According to the tales she had heard, the vampire king was known for his lack of emotion, as well as his brutality and anti-human attitudes. But when he spoke to her today, it seemed like a mischievous schoolboy in love for the first time—which was ludicrous since he was centuries old and accustomed to courting dozens of women. Having been around royalty most of her life, she knew they were always catered to and given whatever they desired. Too many times had this been made evident before her eyes. Her head swam with confusion.

The questions raced through her mind. Did he really want her? She knew it was ridiculous, yet the thought lingered. Would she even permit it if he did? Could she even allow it? Did she have a say in this? This was why she dreaded Royals and tried to avoid them, but here she was again, tangled up in their games. No matter where she ran, he'd find her. So rather than running away, she'd face him, but not yet - it was too early, and her suspicions weren't solid enough. He'd think she was a crazed woman pinned for the vampire, which wasn't far from the truth. She wasn't insane, but nonetheless, she couldn't deny that somewhere inside of her, a small part of her had fallen for the vampire.

Lifting her head, she glared at the clock above the door and saw that the time was nearing three am. With only four hours of sleep left for the night but still not feeling drowsy, she knew that rest would be evasive once again. Her lips quivered as memories of their volatile exchange flooded her mind. ′Oh, because you're lonely?′ She had barked at him with impatience and fear of punishment lurking in her mind. But then, a spark of curiosity pulsated within her. Was he really lonely, or did he have an ulterior motive? The thought that he wanted to see her more often seemed absurd. Why would he want someone like her? She huffed in exhaustion as her eyes became heavy and dry. She needed rest desperately, yet her thoughts were still rampant when she shut her eyes and succumbed to a fitful sleep.

The next morning.

Livia felt her stomach drop painfully as she realized how long it had been since she had seen Alice. She had spent all her time avoiding the other girl, not wanting to confront the guilt driving a wedge between them. But her inquisitiveness for the vampire king had trumped her moral obligations and friendships, pushing any chance of a reconciliation with Alice further away. As the realization finally settled in, Livia felt an intense pang of guilt cut through her body like a knife. The look on Alice's face when Livia nodded in agreement to make amends finally brought a bright smile, showing Livia just how much this moment meant to her old friend.

The promise of an exciting night at the bar sent a wave of anticipation through Livia's veins. Although she had gone out with the maids a few times before, she never felt comfortable in the city's high-tech world with its obsession with fashion and style. Livia knew that her plainness made her stand out among all the glammed-up women in the bar, which made them stop inviting her as they feared their luck couldn't compare to hers. But she didn't mind. She much preferred spending evenings alone in her little room, reading, writing, or painting, basking in her peaceful silence.

The guilt gnawed at her insides like a famished rat trying to eat its way out. Despite never asking them to lie for her, she felt obligated to buy a round of drinks in return for their loyalty. She should have been honest and told them why she was helping the vampire king - it had been William's orders. But no questions were ever raised, so she remained silent, shoving the truth deep down and suppressing it into oblivion.

Alice's eyes glittered with intensity as she cryptically said, "Meet us at the usual spot so we can sneak out with the guards, maids, and servants."

Shuddering, Livia tentatively asked, "Wait, Alice, how many people are coming? Normally, it's only five of us girls."

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